Marvel United Rulings (2024)

Marvel United Rulings (1)
Marvel United Rulings (2)

Current FAQ:


Prior FAQs


Core Rulebook

X-Men Rulebook

Multiverse Rulebook

Super Villain Mode Rules

Marvel United Achievements Booklet

Marvel United X-Men Achievements Booklet

Marvel United “New” Seasons 1+2 Achievements Booklet

Marvel United Rules Q&A on Board Game Geek Part 1 – S1 [Part 2 – S2]

Rules answers from designer Andrea Chiarvesio


Core Set and Basic Questions | Red Skull | Ultron | Taskmaster

Tales of Asgard | Sinister Six | The Infinity Gauntlet | Rise of the Black Panther | Enter the Spider-Verse

Rhino | Dormammu | Bullseye | Hela | Venom Villain | Carnage | Baron Zemo | MODOK | Kang | Kingpin

X-Men Core Set Questions | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Mystique | Magneto

The Horsem*n of Apocalypse | First Class/Danger Room | Blue vs. Gold | X-Force | Phoenix Five| Deadpool | Days of Future Past | Fantastic Four

Season 2 Promo Box

Shield/Xavier Mode Questions | Super Villain Mode Questions | Team vs. Team Mode

Core Set and Basic Questions

While playing solo, how do Wasp’s and Ant-man’s cards that make them temporarily immune to damage work?

They take the Invulnerable token as a reminder that until their next turn they ignore any damage (they won’t force you to discard a card if that specific character is supposed to take damage) until the next time they are activated (in other words, until you play another card that activates that character).

-Andrea Chiarvesio

Another question, and more just for peace of mind, as cards and actions can be played in any order, I assume that if you place the last star icon down on one of the location mission cards (say each thug requires 2 attack), you then remove that card, thus allowing you to hit a thug with your remaining 1x attack, correct?

Yes indeed!

After a villain’s Master Plan card, can the hero card played be from a hero that was played before the Master Plan card ? Example: Iron Man – Red Skull – Iron Man. The rules did not explicitly mentioned this is disallowed although thematically it makes more sense for the heroes to support each other.

In multiplayer, player order is fixed. So, if the first hero to play was Iron Man, the second was Wasp and the third was Captain America, heroes must respect this order for the rest of the game. S.H.I.E.L.D. (Solo) mode works differently, so yes that would be allowed, but only when playing solo.

Hulk Smash! card says deal 1 damage to everything else. This includes other heroes at the location as well?


If you use a special effect that gives tokens to another hero, this tokens/actions must be used on the next turn or can be saved for use it/them later?

You can save tokens and spend them later, absolutely!

Is there a functional difference between being KO’d and playing your last card? I know the rulebook says that if a hero plays their last card they take their full turn before being KO’d, but does that trigger the BAM! effect for the villain?

Yes it will. The difference is that playing your last card still lets you playing your turn (and sometimes it can be all the difference between winning or losing, since that will usually happen only during a hero’s last turn).

If you play Antman’s Quantum Leap card in your storyline, and you switch with his Grow card, can you do the special move at the top of the card?

Yes, you can!

So if there is no civilians on the location of a hero then they do not take a damage? From my understanding and a lot of videos I have watched it feels like no matter what they take the damage even if there is no civilians.

Please let me detail how exactly the Master Plan card “Hail Hydra!” works.

When solving Hail Hydra effect, all locations are checked (if the order is relevant – and sometimes it might be -, start with current Red Skull location and proceed clockwise):

a) there is no Hero in that location:nothing happens

b) there is one or more Heroes in a location, but there are no civilians:nothing happens

c) there are one or more Heroes in a location and one or more civlians:all heroes in that location take 1 damage each. Then all civilians are discarded from that location. Then advance the Fear track by the number of Civilians tokens discarded.

Please note that the card is solved exactly the same way in multilplayer or in Shield mode.

Hopefully this clears all doubts!

Quick question. Special abilities can be played in any order like the symbols? Example: I play hulk’s smash with Iron man’s 2 heroic symbols. Can I use the hulk smash in hulk’s location and then move to iron man’s location to finish off a threat card?

Sure, of course you can!

I may have misunderstood something. If there are no empty spaces at a location where you are supposed to add either villain or civilian, does that villain or civilian then move to the next available location?

No they don’t (that only happens with Ultron, and maybe other villains you haven’t seen so far). The thug or civilian is not placed and the Overflow effect is applied (Overflow effects are different for each villain, even if some villains might have similar overflow effects).

One other quick question. Do you have to use all available symbols or can you choose to ignore some? For example if I have one move and a punch from the previous player and 2 punches of my own, could I use the 3 punches and not move or must I move? It seems like it’s saying I must but wanted to check.

100% correct! You can even do not use your special power text (unless it specifies “you must [effect]”, but you haven’t seen heroes with mandatory powers yet ‘giggles for the little spoiler’).

To use an action token do I have to play a card?

You can spend action tokens only during the Resolve Actions step of your Hero, so yes, you must play a card in step 2. Play a card in order to be able to use action tokens during your step 3. Resolve Actions.

Does that mean every civilian and henchmen token gets removed from the location or just one of each?

Every civilian and thug (henchmen get one damage, if present – henchmen are a special subtype of Threat cards).

Captain Marvel has 2 copies of the basic card with a single wild icon (and no other abilities) in her deck, when other heroes only have 1 copy. When playing with the Moderate Challenge (Each player removes the Wild card from their Hero deck.), do you remove both, giving her a smaller deck than other heroes, or just one copy? What about the Heroic Challenge? (Each player removes the Wild and Double Wild cards from their Hero deck.)

You only remove one copy in Moderate, in Heroic you remove one copy with the Wild and the copy with Double Wild.

The rulebook says you can’t attack the villain unless 2 missions are complete; it doesn’t say they can’t take damage. “Hulk Smash” says it does damage.

Villains con’t take damage unless 2 missions are complete (unless there is some special rule in the villain ID that changes that, but you haven’t seen anything of the sort so far. So, no, Hulk Smash doesn’t damage the villain unless 2 missions have been completed.

If a Hero is KO’d, Wasp can use the “Wings” card to move him/her to another Location? I don’t think so, she can’t. But to be sure…

No, because KO’d heroes are ignored by all effects, positive and Negative. Exactly. Just treat KO’d heroes as their miniature is not in play until the start of their next turn (they can’t take damage, crisis tokens, other tokens, they can’t be given action token, their player can’t draw or discard cards, etc…).

For Venom’s tracking card, is the attack meant as use the attack action at the current location for one attack action and the special ability sends him to another location to do another attack at that location? And also if he were to use the special ability first there’s a chance, could he do two attacks at that location?

You (the player controlling the Hero) decide the order of Action resolution, including special actions like Tracking. This means that you can either: use the attack action (and any other action given to you by the previous card in the storyline) then move to another location and do one attack there, or move to another location and spend all your actions there or any mix (making 1 or two actions in your actual location, then activate Tracking, move to another location and perform one attack there plus any remaining actions you have).

Hey. What happen if an effect KOd more than 1 hero? Let’s say that the effect KOd 2 Heroes (on a 4 players party), should we trigger the Vilans BAM effect twice? In wich order should we trigger the Bam effect on the heroes? And in witch order should we trigger the Bam effect from the henchmen ?!?

1) yes, twice (regardless of party size: if multiple Heroes are KOd by an effect, you trigger the Villain BAM effect again once for each Hero that went KO… of course there might exist Villain whose villanious plot is to KO all heroes at the same time, in that case party size is relevant because if all Heroes are KOd during a Villain turn the game might be lost because of a special villanious plot… [casually whistles away] ). 2) Always solve the BAM! effect of the villain first, then the Henchmen ones (if order is relevant, proceed clockwise starting with current Villain location

Just some clarification please…When a hero is KO’d the Villain resolves his BAM! effect on the villain dashboard – do any henchmen also resolve their BAM! effect as a result of a hero being KO’d. The rulebook on page 10 and the rules summary do not state that you do resolve henchmen BAM!s.

You don’t resolve henchmen BAM!s when a hero goes KO, only the one on the villain dashboard. To summarize: – Master Plan cards activate all BAM!s (VIllain’s and Henchmen’s) – Heroes being KO’d acrivate the Villain’s BAM!

1) S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters allow to remove 1 crisis token from anywhere. Can I remove crisis token also from heroes? Or only from locations?
2) After playing Shrink and becoming Invulnerable can I still choose to take 1 dmg to prevent Ultron Clone from adding Thug to my location?

1) also from heroes, yes. Anywhere really means that.
2) yes you can (you’re dealt the damage, which is avoided by you being Invulnerable). This will be clarified better in an upcoming FAQ.

1.) Threat cards like thugs have 2 hit points, are they active all the time or only the turn that there’s a bam or bulleyes?

2.) On the location end of turn effect, can you only use it on a bam? Or every end of turn and immediately on a bam?

1) threat cards like “Thugs here require 2 damages to be defeated” are always active. Other threat cards, the ones with the (!) icon, become active only if the Villain ends their movement on the location with the Threat.

2) End of Turn effect from location (once the Threat covering the effect is solved) can be used by any Hero at the end of their Hero turn if they end their turn in that location. Please note that a Hero can’t “chain” two End of Turn effects (for instance, activating an End of Turn effect that says “move to any other location” and moving to another location that has an available End of Turn effect doesn’t allow the Hero to activate the effect of the Location they just moved into).

Can Iron Man receive tokens from his ability card (and can he use them that turn if so)?

Yes he can. Tony can play with his own toys, after all

A quick question about damage vs attack. Does Hulk’s Smash which damages everything at the location take a health off the villain (located there) even if we haven’t finished 2 missions yet? The rules say we can’t “attack directly” but applying damage seems like different effect.

No, the general rule that you still have to solve 2 missions is not overruled by the Hulk (or Punisher)

In the Kickstarter comments, someone said they were playing Squirrel Girl’s Common Sense card such that it counted the special effect cards from all the heroes and not just her’s. Which is correct?

Just hers!

So I am interested in clarification on the Spiderman 2099 “Claws” effect. (Damage can’t be reduced) Does this effect bypass the damage protection of Taskmasters crisis tokens?

“Claws” only bypass damage reduction, not damage immunity (so, effects like Taskmasters crisis tokens or Fenris protecting Hela are not bypassed by Spiderman 2099 Claws).

Does the cards from Black Cat cat claws and cat luck have a misprint? Both cards have the same text but not the same symbol see picture

It’s intended, they’re different for the symbols but have a consistent effect.

Can Elektra turn up the Illusion threat cards in the adjacent zones with her special effect? So with this card she could turn up 3 threat cards

You must be in that location in order to turn the Threat, so, sorry but no.

I think I noticed the following difference:
– Some cards say: Add 1 [thug symbol]
– Some other cards say: Add [thug symbol]

Is there any difference, or are both cases intended to be read as ‘add one thug’?

No difference

Can Yondu turn civilians infected by Carnage into thugs? What happens to crisis tokens?

Yes. Tokens stay on thugs.

How do i play my card facedown?

Do i use my card actions before i lay it facedown, so the “only” disadvantage is that the next hero cant use my actions/team actions?


Do i just lay my card facedown without using any actions from this card?

Question comes from a game against rhino at the start he charged and all 3 heros were KOd and must play their cards facedown.

We played it with the 2nd answer and rhino carged again. So he played 2 cards faceup and we 6 cards facedown. See picture wirh double charge right at beginning

When you play facedown you don’t get to use the actions, so yes you played correctly (Rhino can be really harsh, indeed).

I have a question about Action Tokens.
When a hero in KOed do you keep or discard the Action Tokens he kept for futur use?
In the fight with Thanos, are the Action Token tied to the Player or to the Hero ? Are they discarded when the Hero is KOed and when we must change Hero ?

You keep Action Tokens when KO (also against Thanos), they’re linked to the Player, not to the Hero.

If a special ability gives your hero multiple action icons (like Black Panther, for example), do I have those icons to use freely in any order? Or do I have to use those icons as their own group when I activate the special ability? Example: The Panther Habit ability gives me a Heroic icon and an Attack icon. Can I use the Move icon at the bottom in between the two, or do I have to resolve the Panther Habit icons together without interruption?

Together without interruption, but you can choose their order (first the heroic to clear a threat then the attack, or the other way around – sometimes it’s very relevant)

When I’m told to lay a Master Plan card face down on the story track, I assume that’s to speed up the hero loss from running out of those cards? IE, the master plan card is not flipped up and played later?


We were playing as two player against the sinister six. One of us was Adam warlock and just stayed on the stark lab location each turn using avatar of life card to block the next master plan card then swap it for the two wild action token card with the starklab location effect. In this case the other player have always 2 wild token + his own card and the sinister 6 never were able to play. Is this intended ? Did we made any mistakes ?

Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Cards like Avatar of life have effect only if played during the hero turn, however swapping them out fizzles the effect.

In the Secret Identity Challenge, can one location hold more than one journalist token? I assume no, which means if I want to move a token, I must be able to move it to a journalist-token-free location.

Current situation is my location, as well as both adjacent locations, have a journalist token. I’m trying hard to avoid an exposure token so in order to avoid this I must play two heroic actions to move the journalist token from my adjacent location and then move the journalist token from my current location to the recently vacated adjacent location.

You can gather more than one journalist in the same location

Q1. If a Hero plays a card with the Special Effect “Discard 1 card to gain 1 Wild token”, etc., are they allowed to do so if they only have 1 card left in their hand? If so, I expect they would be KO’d at the end of their turn (but still be able to complete their turn and receive and keep the token, etc.)? Is this correct? If it is, does this also apply to End of Turn effects for Locations as well (except they would take the token and be KOd immediately as it’s an “End of Turn” effect)?

Q2. For the sake of clarity, any Hero card that states you are to discard all your cards to perform an action (after you perform the action), means you are KOd at the end of your turn, correct? eg. Bob’s Accidentally Heroic – Clear a Threat card in your Location. Then, discard all cards from your hand to the bottom of your deck.

Answer to both questions: you’re allowed to do so, but that would immediately KO you. Playing your last card in hand lets you play until the end of your turn, but discarding it would cause immediate KO.

There was another post about faceup/facedown cards, and while I was reading some cards literally, I saw an FAQ that conflicted my question, so I figured I’d ask it here now that S2stuff is out:

1. Can an effect that swaps a card (with no mention of faceup/facedown) from the Storyline to hand be used to swap a Facedown card? Nebula, Stark Labs, and Professor X all have ways to swap cards from the Storyline to hand and they do NOT specify it needs to be faceup, just that they are swapping a card. Numerous other characters, like Scarlet Witch, allow the swapping of faceup cards only. I read the rules literally in that these few instances are ways for Heroes to gain their powers back.

2. If allowed, would a swapped card be played facedown, essentially matching the status of the swapped card? This question only pertains to if the answer to quesion 1 is “yes”.

No, face down cards can’t be swapped.

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Red Skull

Madame Hydra and Crossbones cards say: “Any Hero can prevent this effect by tacking 1/2 Crisis token(s).” It means any Hero in ANY LOCATION can take Crisis token(s) to prevent BAM effect?

Indeed, yes.

Hydra Elite troops require 2 damage. Can you stack this over turns ? Or all must be done at once ?

Must be done on the same turn (they’re though!)

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I have a question about the Ultron Virus Threat card. It states “Heroes starting their turn in this Location must ignore 1 action symbol of their choice” Can I ignore a symbol that isn’t in play, for example, if the 2 cards I can use had Move, Attack, Attack can I choose to ignore Heroic to have no effect on me? If I was to choose Attack, does it cancel one or both of them?

You lose one of your Action Symbols. In the example above, you could either Move & Attack or Attack twice (you can’t choose to ignore a symbol you don’t have on that turn).

Playing Ultron for the first time yesterday my son and I were not sure about one detail on the locations. Our question is : when adding an extra thug or a civilian do we need to respect the set-up icon or can we just add either a thug on a civilian icon or a civilian on a thug icon ?

Setup icons are only used during setup, they don’t affect the game in any other way.

Hmm, I just looked at Ultron and now I am confused. The overflow effect says “If a (Civilian/Thug) can’t be added to a Location, add that token to the next Location clockwise instead.” I assumed if you cannot place 2 tokens, you add both to the next location, but it does not explicitly say “add each token”. So to summarize, if you need to add 2 tokens and cannot place both of them, Red skull: “… increase Fear track by 1 for each token” => increase by 2 Taskmaster: “add a Crisis token to that Location instead” => add only 1 Ultron: “add that token to the next Location clockwise instead” => ??? each token ???

Yes with Ultron all tokens that could not be placed are placed in the next clockwise location(s) with free spaces

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Does the Taskmaster’s crisis tokens stack? I mean, can we have two tokens at the same location; or is it limited one per location?

Yes, they stack (tricky Taskmaster)!

For Taskmaster where you have to count up icons from previous Heroes cards, do you count appropriate icons from the “special action” or just the the ones from the bottom of the card?

Only the Fight icons on the bottom of both cards (to specify: wild icons don’t count, icons on special actions don’t count)

In relation to task master stacking crisis tokens, with his overflow rule, is it one added crisis token regardless of how many cannot be placed, or is it one crisis token for each one that cannot be placed? (Example: you need to put a civilian and a thug at Stark Labs but there is no more space. Do you put one crisis token because there is no more space, or do you put a crisis token for the civilian and another crisis token for the thug, equaling two crisis tokens for overflow?)

You only add one. However, some Overflow effects (like Ultron and Red Skull) specify a consequence for each token that you can’t add to the Location (edited for better clarity).

I’ve just played against Taskmaster and we have a question about the crisis token and how to remove it : 1. When on a location there is NO civilian but at least 1 thug, can I use an heroic action to remove 1 crisis token on this location ? 2. When on a location there is NO thug but at least 1 civilian, can I use an attack action to remove 1 crisis token on this location ? OR, in both case the location must but empty (NO civilian AND NO thug) to remove 1 crisis token from this location with à heroic Attack action or attack action » ?

With Taskmaster, locations must be with NO civilians AND NO thugs in order to be able to remove the crisis token

1) Can Captain Marvel remove Taskmaster’s Crisis Token from adjacent Location with her special action Photon Blast? 2) Is Ant-man allowed to leave Taskmaster’s Entangling Trap Threat using only his special action Grow?

1) Yes.
2) Yes.

Hulk Smash! card says deal 1 damage to everything else. Even if I have many crisis tokens can I deal 1 damage to each one at the location as well? I’m thinking in Task Master: “Heroes can discard a Crisis token from a Location with no civilians or thug tokens by using a heroic action or attack action”.

To remove a Crisis token you need an heroic or attack action. Thus, Hulk’s ability canot remove the Crisis token. However, since the ability clears the Location from all Civilian and Thugs, if Hulk has an Heroic or Attack action available from the previous Hero card in the storyline, he can use that action to clear the token.

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Tales of Asgard

How exactly does Loki’s special rule work? Is the extra Master Plan card only add to the storyline when a Hero is KO’d by Loki’s BAM effect? Or is it added when a hero just goes KO regardless what the reason is? I saw this video where Loki’s special rule was only used when a hero is KO’d by his BAM effect and now I’m unsure how to play it correctly.

Regardless of the reason.

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Return of the Sinister Six

The Sinister 6 Mode uses the Crisis tokens in 2 ways – Mysterio gives them to heroes and they must play their next card randomly. Dr Octopus places them on locations and the deals 1 damage to all heroes at locations with Crisis tokens. Does a hero with a crisis token from Mysterio count for the purposes of Doc’s BAM! Effect or does it only check for crisis tokens on the actual location itself (I.e. placed by Doc himself).

They are counted independently, so Doc Ock only checks tokens on Locations.

This concerns the several cards that some characters have, stating that some effect is in play as long as the “card is face up on the storyline…” such as green goblin’s formula. That made me wonder if there are anyways to deal with those cards? If I understood correctly any cards are up on the storyline until the end of game. Haven’t checked all heroes yet so maybe there are special effects that remove cards or turn them face down, but did not see any in the spider verse box for example.

There are just a few, but more “could” be introduced in future expansions. Card wording is such also to leave room for designing effects in the future

Kraven’s threat ‘Traps’ says if there are no civilians or thugs in this location,… I’m unsure if that’s an inclusive or exclusive ‘or’ (English can be remarkably imprecise) Option A) none in total, so 0 thugs AND 0 Civilians for this to impact. Option B) None of at least one type, so for example 0 thugs and some civilians would trigger this.

It’s Option A.

Okay, here is possibly a silly question about KO timing. Playing against Kraven, you play another master plan card after a KO instead of resolving another Bam. Do you finish resolving the first card that caused the KO in its entirety before playing that second master plan card? Or, do you move on immediately to resolving the second master plan card and forget about the first card?

You do finish resolving the first card.

playing against the Sinister Six as the Hulk… some of the weak spots require an attack icon. I assume that using Hulk Smash does not count, as dealing damage does not equate to using an attack action?


Two questions that I’d like confirmation on: When I’m told to lay a Master Plan card face down on the story track, I assume that’s to speed up the hero loss from running out of those cards? IE, the master plan card is not flipped up and played later? And playing against the Sinister Six as the Hulk… some of the weak spots require an attack icon. I assume that using Hulk Smash does not count, as dealing damage does not equate to using an attack action?

Yes to both questions

Is it allowed to remove crisis tokens (stolen spoils) from Vulture’s Dashboard using Location’s effect?

If a location lets you do it… yes

What happens when Mysterio’s “broken illusion” threat card is revealed:
Does simply revealing it place the associated threat token on the mission card?
Is the end of turn location effect available?
Is it possible to complete plan B’s 6 threats mission with Mysterio?

It’s revealed, not solved, so no, you don’t place the threat token on the mission.
Also, no the end of turn location effect is still unavailable
And… no, it’s not possible to complete plan B 6 threats mission against him (you can still complete the other 2 missions and punch him in the face… well, in the fishbow

Doc Ock: Tentacles Grasp
“Move all Heroes 1 Location closer to Doctor Octopus. Then BAM!”

My example is that I have 3 heroes. 1 on a location nearest Doc Ock. The other 2 share a location on opposite side, now 3 locations away (all 6 locations still present.)
– Can the player(s) choose to move in either direction closer to Doc Ock? Or do both heroes have to move left, making them ‘closer’ to Doc Ock since villain movement is usually clockwise?
– If yes to moving any direction closer, can they split the movement if more than one hero share the location; ex. one hero left, one hero right?

They can choose and they can split

I have a question regarding the overflow effect for the Sinister Six. For context for those reading, the Sinister Six overflow rule is “If 1 or more Civilian/Thug tokens can’t be added to a location, draw another Master Plan card and add it facedown to the storyline”. My question concerns how many times this can be triggered during one master plan card.

1:[Worst case for heroes]Each overflow is handled one at a time as they occur. In this case three face down master plan cards are added to the storyline.
2:[Best case for heroes]The “If 1 or more Civilian/Thug tokens can’t be added to a location” applies over the entire playing of the master plan card. In this case just one face down master plan cards is added to the storyline.
3:[In between]The “If 1 or more Civilian/Thug tokens can’t be added to a location” applies separately per villain. In this case two face down master plan cards (one for Kraven’s overflows and one for Mysterios).

Yes, it’s actually the best case for heroes. Each Location can overflow only once during a single Villain turn

Vulture’s BAM moves all horeos to opposite Location. When exactly the move takes place?
1) When hero is moved FROM Location with Sandman/Kraven does he take dmg from Henchman’s BAM?
2) When hero is moved TO Location with Sandman/Kraven does he take dmg from Henchman’s BAM?
3) When hero is KO (dmg from Henchman), he doesn’t move?

The villain’s BAM is resolved first, then the Henchmen clockwise from Vulture’s location. So the heroes will be moved prior to the Henchmen BAMing so the new location is the important one.

-[Fan answer]

In addition to this [fan answer] (which is correct), KO heroes ignore effects so would not be moved.

-Andrea Chiarvesio

Doctor Octopus enters Location witch Sandman, Hero1 (1 cards), Hero2 (2 card) and 2 crisis token and makes BAM.
Hero1 is KO, Hero2 loose 1 card, Location is destroyed and Sandman is removed before he can deal dmg and gain hp. Octopus moves to the next clockwise Location, Hero1 and Hero2 can move to adjacent Location and then Octopus makes another BAM for Hero1 ‘s KO. Is it correct?

Also, when Hero is KO, does Villain makes another BAM before or after the BAM effect of his Henchmen?

All correct. If a Hero goes KO during a BAM! resolution, first you finish resolving the BAM (so the Villain’s BAM and the Henchmen BAM effects), then you solve the extra Villain BAM! due to the Hero going KO.

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The Infinity Gauntlet

Can Infinity Stone cards be manipulated in any way by the Heroes?

During the Battle Against Thanos, Infinity Stone cards are treated just like any other Master Plan card. However, during the Infinity Battles that precede it, Infinity Stone cards are basically just progress markers, and as such cannot be revealed, removed, or rearranged by Heroes.

Just started a solo Infinity War campaign and got to the Thanos mission. I have a question about KO’s: the solo rules state that if the player is KO’d they instantly lose however the Infinity War rules say to swap them out if KO’d and Thanos is heavy on KOing heroes. How is this supposed to be played? is it basically impossible to play solo?

Indeed, during the final battle only, if you (the Solo player) are KO’d, you lose the game (and the campaign). Optionally, if you want to make the Infinity Gauntlet campaign less unforgiving for the player, you may decide before starting the number of KO required to make the Solo player lose. When going KO you lay down all your Hero game pieces. At the start of your next turn all Hero pieces are placed back standing and, during the Draw Card step, you draw 6 cards from the deck.

Proxima Midnight Hunting Spear – ‘You may take 1 damage to prevent the effect’
Adam Warlock Immortality – ‘You’re not forced to discard your last card’ Some question not covered by FAQ popped up. Can you choose to ‘take damage’ to save civilians but not discard the last card. The wording on immortality use the word ‘forced’. So do you happen to :
– really take the damage (but you’re not forced to discard the last card due to damage) still preventing the effect. You can therefore proceed to block any number of civilians you wish without any issue.
– You choose to take the damage and you discard the card as a result (as it was a choice ‘you may take 1 damage’). You can then block 1 civilian, but you’re knocked out as a result of your choice.
– or you can’t take it at all as you won’t discard the last card, therefore not preventing proxima effect. You can therefore not save the civilian as you can’t “take the damage”.

It’s case B: – You choose to take the damage and you discard the card as a result (as it was a choice ‘you may take 1 damage’). You can then block 1 civilian, but you’re knocked out as a result of your choice.

My question is during the Infinity battles if you have to shuffle a card back into the master plan deck what do you do with the infinity stones since they can’t be moved just shuffle the master plan card back an remember where the infinity stones were an place an additional card on the bottom of the master plan deck I get the stones can’t be manipulated but not sure how this works.

Yes just shuffle the masterplan and put the stones back in the same position.

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Rise of the Black Panther

If you use a location effect like Helicarrier or Golden City which lets you move to any location and you use it to move to a location with one of his Assassination Attempt Threat cards (Take 1 damage at the end if your turn) do you still take this damage or have you already passed the ‘end of the turn’ when you used the free move?

No damage. Locations end of turn effect are the very last thing happening at the end of a turn (and they do not “chain”.).

Killmonger Questions

1) with his Overthrow special effect, the text says he moves to the closet location (rather than the next location) with the most civilians, but the arrow is clockwise like normal. If the location directly behind him (1 away) and the location 2 in front of him have the same number of civilians (and most on the board) should he move backwards to the ‘closest’ one or move forwards to the next one?

1) He moves to the closest location (so, backwards in this case). In case of a tie between ‘closest’, he chooses the one clockwise.
2) Yes, Locations like Odin’s Vault and the Milano are immune to Killmonger villanious plot.

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Enter the Spider-Verse

On Kraven’s Threat card (enter the Spiderverse box) his BAM action states he should move clockwise to the next location with Heroes and no threat (if possible). Then deal 1 damage to each hero in that location. Does this mean he only damages if he moves? Or, for 2 players, if you are both on his space, would he go round the whole board, back to you and deal damage then? Thanks

Kraven deals damage even if he doesn’t move. In the second case, he would indeed go round the whole board, back to you and deal damage. He is a very skilled hunter, after all

When playing Green Goblin and he BAMs would the threat card placed BAM too?

No. While BAM!s are resolved one by one, that Threat card wasn’t in play when the BAM! was triggered, so its BAM! is not resolved

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“Next clockwise location” – Does that start at/include the current location? Specifically with Rhino – His “Rhino Charge” (?) that says “move to the next clockwise location with a hero and BAM! there”, if the entire hero team is on his space, does he stay put and deal 0 damage? Or circle around the board back to the same spot and deal 6 damage?

Rhino moves to the next clockwise Location, and keeps moving over all 6 Locations, until finally charging at the Heroes in his initial Location, thus dealing 6 damage, yes (his charge is quite fierce…).

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When removing cards from Dormammu’s deck (during setup and top card after completing 2nd mission), players remove them faceup or facedown?


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Hope it’s ok to ask about Team Mode a bit:
When facing Bullseye, in team mode, do the heroes lose when they have KO tokens equal to:
•the total number of players or
•the number of players on a single team?

Some villains will get special instructions in order to be fully compatible with Team Mode or Super VIllain Mode, Bullseye is one of them

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Here’s the scenario: Banished is in play as the first villain card, Dr. Strange plays Book of Vishanti and shuffles Banished back into the master plan deck.

1) Can Banished be manipulated like this?
2) If Banished doesn’t come into play until towards the very end of the game, do the heroes just lose by decking out?

1) yes
2) No. Hela starts the game on her dashboard due to the Setup instructions on the back of her dashboard, not because of “Banished”. So, shuffling back Banished in the master plan deck has the only effect to add one card with no effect at all to the master plan deck (if needed, treat Banished movement as a “0” movement).

Doctor Strange used “Eye of Agamotto” special card and put Hela’s “Banished” card back into her deck (I think it is allowed?)
What happens when “Banished” card is revealed once again?

It’s a Villanious Turn where nothing really happens. The Villain is still considered to have a “0” movement, if that matters.

when new threat cards are placed due to her overflow, they’re added to locations that do not have a threat token. If you clear those threats, we have assumed that you do not advance the mission for clearing threats. Is this correct? Or when the threat is added does it also gain a new threat token?

Hela (from FAQ 2.0):

Q: If I clear a Threat with no Threat token next to it, do I not advance the Clear Threats Mission?
A: If a Threat card has no Threat token next to it (usually because it was brought back into play), when cleared, simply take any available Threat token to place on the Mission card. Also, if a Threat card is ever moved to a different Location, its Threat token should move with it.

Do we ignore all cards’s effects and spawns when Hela is banished ?
So if we draw 3 times “raise the dead” before any BAM card, nothing happens?

Yes, she’s banished for a long time, then.

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Venom Villain

Hi, sorry I’m not sure if this has been asked already but on Venom’s Villain Bam ability he deals a crisis token to each hero on his location after he has damaged them, does he still give the crisis tokens to the heroes if they are/were ko’d? Many thanks!

No, heroes KO are treated as if they’re out of play so can’t get crisis or action tokens, draw cards, etc…

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Can I check how “Then” sentences work. For Example Carnage’s BAM says “Deal 1 damage to each hero in Carnage’s Location. Then, place 1 Crisis token above each bystander there.” If the first sentence has no effect – because there are no heroes in Carnage’s Location – does the second half “Then,…” still happen. I assume it does but wanted to check! Similarly for the Threat card Carnage’s Offspring. There are 3 sentences: 1. Place 1 Crisis token above 1 bystander in this location (if present) 2. Add Bystander to this location. 3. Then deal 1 damage to each hero there. Do all 3 things happen even if there are no bystanders in the location (1) or there is no room for a bystander (2) (Location is full so overflow would trigger) Or does 3 only happen if (2) can be done or does it require 1 and 2 to do something?

The Crisis token is placed even if there are no Heroes in Carnage Location.

1. When Carnage sits in Location with most civilians and draw “Move clockwise to the next location with most civilians”, he move around and goes back to his present Location, right?
2. We have 1 Location with 4 uninfected civilians, the remaining Locations have infected civilians but 3 or less. If there is an overflow we need to remove all infected civilians from the Location with most civilians so nothing happens, right?

Yes to both

When the overflow effect for Carnage activates, which location do you start checking for “the most civilians”. Do you look at Carnage’s location first, then move clockwise, or do you check the next location clockwise from Carnage first?

The next location clockwise from Carnage first

If the location with the most civilian is Carnage’s location? Do we make a full turn to trigger in Carnage’s location or it can’t be his location?

It triggers in Carnage’s location

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Baron Zemo

Deal 1 damage to 1 hero in Baron Zemo’s Location and give 1 Crisis token to the Hero closest to it. Does “it” refer to the location (which always exists) or the hero that was damaged (which may not exist if there was no one in his location)? I’m guessing “it” is the location, but it’s worth checking.

The location.

When playing against Baron Zemo there will be cards in the time line which have action symbols covered up with crisis tokens. If a hero has the opportunity to swap a card in hand with a card of theirs in the timeline (say via end of turn effect for a location) are they allowed to swap with a card of theirs that has crisis tokens on it?

Follow up: if theycanswap with a card of theirs with one or more crisis tokens, what happens to those tokens? Are they discarded, put on the replacement card, or given to the hero? In particular, what if there are more crisis tokens on the card then there are symbols on the card that is replacing it?

Yes, cards with crisis tokens on it can be swapped, removed from the storyline or turned face down. If any of these things happen, crisis tokens are simply discarded back to the pool. Please note that if the card is simply moved around the Storyline, crisis tokens stay on the card.

If I’m reading this right I think you’re making the same mistake I did my first time against Zemo. You only cover the symbol after you’ve used it yourself, so it doesn’t affect you, it affects the person after you who can no longer use your symbol on their turn.

Under Baron Zemo special rules it’s written that “A Hero with any Crisis tokens at the end of their turn must use these crisis tokens to cover 1 symbol on the bottom of the card they played this turn [etc…]”, so yes, you don’t lose the icons on the turn you play them, it’s the player that plays after you that doesn’t see these icons.

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When playing against MODOK, one of his threat cards requires heroes starting at that location to play their card face down. If the heroes start the game here, they can’t leave it and will auto lose. I’m going to fix this by basically adding the rule that MODOK must always start there (so the heroes can’t) or am I missing something about this interaction?

You’re correct, heroes can’t start from that location, we’ll clarify it on the next FAQ.

MODOK’s Conscience Transferal – the wording is a little confusing – does this effect all future BAM! Effects (while it’s face up) or just the next BAM! Effect? I assume all future ones or he’d struggle to catch up to the heroes?

All the future ones

I was lucky enough to get my hands on some heroes and a couple KSE villains and had a MODOK/M.O.D.O.K. (to make searching easier) question. He is constantly flipping hero cards in the Storyline face down. The Stark Labs location says, “You may swap 1 card from your hand with 1 of your cards in the Storyline.” When swapping cards: 1. Can you swap with a face-down card? 2. Would the newly-placed card be face up or face-down? My initial thought is to play “yes” and “face-down,” but I know people who will ask

You can’t swap face-down cards with Stark Labs (or other effects).

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Playing Kang right now and we have a Master Plan resolution question. According to the Rules, BAM!’s caused by Hero KO’s are applied immediately. Kang replaces BAM! with his own special rule (play another Master Plan card). Kang KO’d 2 heroes at the same time, which caused 2 more Master Plan cards to immediately be played. This interrupted the Thug/Civilian resolution of the first Master Plan card. Then the next Master Plan card caused 2 more KO’s, which interrupted the 2nd card resolution. (and so on, and so on)

How are multiple Master Plan cards supposed to be resolved when multiple KO’s happen and interrupt the process? Do we resolve the whole card before moving to the next? Or do we continue to interrupt, and then apply all of the Thug/Civilian placement at the end based on the Villains final location?

Solve the whole card, then move to the other card(s).

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Kingpin’s Secrets and Communication threats that force civilians/thugs to be discarded instead of rescued/defeated – are those effects limited to those locations or global effects?

Global effects. If even a single of these threats is in play its effect is applied to all Locations.

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X-Men Core Set Questions

Storm card says “Deal {fist} {fist} in any Location”. I assume you can not split this damage and do 1 damage in one location and another in different one?

You must choose a single location and deal both damage there.

If on her turn, Jean Grey plays Telepathy and swaps the previous card with Major Telekinesis, is she able to use the special effect of Telekinesis because it is the same hero? Or are the special effects still only active on the turn they are played, regardless of the hero of the previous card?

Special effects triggers only on the turn they are played, unless otherwise stated by the card itself (this kind of effects usually starts with “as long as this card is faceup in the Storyline”).

Wolverine’s Healing Factor states that as long as the card is faced up in the Storyline, if the Wolverine’s Player has less than 3 cards in hand at the end of a Villain turn, the Player may draw a card but I guess that if Wolverine’s KO’d, the rule “Lay down that Hero’s game piece to indicate that it must be ignored by all game effects, both negative and positive.” (p10) applies so no card drawn. Am I right?

Yes you are right.

Storm card Goddess of Weather states

“Relocate any heroes to different locations”.

1. Does this include Storm? She can relocate herself to any location as well with this card?

2. When relocating other 2-3 Heroes, she can send each of those 2-3 heroes to separate/different locations? split them up.

Yes and yes. Goddess of weather, after all.

Healing Factor card – If Wolverine is KO’d does his Healing factor still work and therefore he is revived and gets 1 card or is the card affected negated until he is no longer KO’d?

Wolverine -> no, he is KO.

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When playing against Sabretooth, if there are multiple Regenerative Factors in the timeline, does he recover one health for each card in the timeline at the end of his turn?


I have another Sabertooth question. Do his regenerative factor cards stack? As in does he heal 2 hitpoints after the end of each of his turns when they are both in the timeline?

Yes the effect is cumulative.

For Sabertooth killing spree threat card, does it deal damage to any hero in the location or does it only deal damage to the adjacent locations? We read it as only the adjacent location’s since Sabertooth is in the location of the threat card and does 2 damage.

Only to a single hero in both adjacent location (if Sabretooth BAM!s yes, he also does 2 damage in his location).

Even when Sabretooth has 2 Regenerative factors in the storyline, he just recovers 1 health at the end of his turn, right? I’m assuming this, as otherwise the card would have had a different text (more like She-Hulk). By the way, in our game, it wouldn’t have made a difference, as we still had an attack left when we beat him.

They’re actually cumulative.

When Sabertooth KOs the Hunted hero and the next hero in order is already KOed, does he still get the Hunted token even in his KO state? Does a KOed hero get to keep his tokens (Action, Crisis etc.)?

Short answer: yes, the next player’s hero gets the Hunted token. The answer to the second question is Yes (unless a game effect instructs you otherwise).

If Sabertooth triggers multiple overflows and the hunted hero is KOed by one of those overflow effects, does the hunted token change hands before or after remaining overflow effects resolve?

This is actually a tricky one that we did not cover in Sabretooth special rules. The answer is that yes, the hunted token change hands even in between resolving multiple overflow effects. As a general principle: as soon as a Hero discards their last card, the token is immediately transferred.

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Just played 4 players against Juggernaut today. If Juggernaut KOs a player because of his Bam, the villain text says that instead of a bam, you play a face down master plan card. When do the effects of his Bam stop? The first hero he KOs? Or would the Bam effect continue playing out even though he KO’d a character?

You fully resolve his Bam, then you play one card facedown for each Hero that went KO.

When Juggernaut (or any villain for that matter) adds facedown cards to the storyline, do we flip it up after and resolve it?

No, cards added face down are not resolved (it also applies to cards played facedown by heroes).

Is Juggernaut supposed to have different health at different player counts?

No, it’s balanced with the same health regardless of players.

Quick one, Juggernauts Crimson Cosmo Armor has a threat return. I presume the threat token doesn’t return too? Thank you.

If a Threat returns play and it’s solved again, simply take any other threat token and put it on the Solve Threat mission (we clarified this in the X-Men United rulebook, but it’s a generic rule that applies to both United games

Question regarding Juggernaut’s threat card Avatar of Cyttorak: “As long as one or more Avatar of Cyttorak is in play. Juggernaut ignores 1 damage each Hero turn” As there are two of these threat cards in play at the start of the game, do they stack? Meaning Juggernaut ignores 2 damage per turn. The wording on the card is “if one or more” which implies to me that it wouldn’t stack as it doesn’t say something like “for each”. But I don’t know if each threat card is treated as its own entity in terms of applying effects.

Yes they don’t stack. That wording was chosen exactly for that reason.

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Metamorphosis and spymaster special effect [Mystique hero] can only be used on the next masterplan card only?? Or can it be used through out the game every time a masterplan card is played? I am pretty sure it can only be used once but I want to double check. Also, for metamorphosis, if the villain attacks me and there are no thugs do I have to take the hit or can I wait when the villain adds thugs to the location and then just redirect the hit to the thug?

Only once and if there are no thugs you have to take the hit.

Mystique’s masterplan card Metamorph: place a civilian token in every location that doesn’t have one, and until her next turn any damage Mystique would take is taken by the next clockwise henchman (if any) Question: If there is a location with no civilians, but full of thugs, does that cause an Overflow?

Yes there will be an overflow.

Mystique’s “Metamorph” reads: “On the next villain turn, you may redirect any damage dealt to you to a henchman or any thug in your location”. When you deal it to thugs, you add them to the ‘defeat thugs’ card, right? You’re not discarding them as you do damage, right?

Yes, using Metamorph defeats thugs so they’re placed on the Mission card.

I’m confused by both Mystique’s BAM! And her “Special Rule”. (In these cases, let’s assume it’s only 1 Hero alongside Senator Kelly)

1: “Senator Kelly is affected by anything that affects heroes”. Does this mean that if the heroes take 1 hit- Kelly also takes a hit…so the Hero needs to discard 2 cards to avoid Kelly taking damage & losing the game? Or does Kelly take priority in taking damage, and only 1 damage card is taken+discarded?

2: Mystique’s BAM! – If Mystique lands on a 1-hero with Kelly location and applies BAM. Does the Hero take 2 or 4 damage (similar to my question above)?

3: in the same scenario as #2. Of the hero only has 1 card on-hand. They would be KO’d, and the second hit would go to Kelly. And game is over? Sorry if these seem like they should be obvious. But as you can see, I’m second guessing how the rules work for her Mystique & Senator Kelly. Can anyone help clarify?

1 – Actually, no. The rule simply means that Sen.Kelly is treated as a Hero when assigning damage. So, if Mystique’s BAM deals 2 damage in a location with Kelly and a Hero, the Heroes can choose if: – dealing 2 damage to Kelly and lose the game OR – deal 2 damage to the Hero.

2 – 2 damage (see previous answer).

3 – EDIT: the second damage is not transfered to Kelly, so the Hero goes KO and Kelly is moved 1 Location counter-clockwise, draws another Master Plan card and adds it facedown to the storyline.

Mystique henchman Toad moves his card to next Location with threat token with him?

Yes. In any case, if you defeat an Henchmen or solve a Threat that has no Threat token on them, you add to the Mission one Threat token in any case (see the rulebook, page 9).

For Mystique’s Spymaster card, do you have to choose the location you want to prevent thugs or civilians before the Villain’s next master plan card or can you choose when it’s played and you know where it will be added?

You can wait and choose when the master plan card is revealed.

Playing Mystique as a hero: does Spymaster allow you to block a total of two locations (yours and one of the adjacent) or just one location (you choose between the three)?

Just one Location, but you choose (note that you can choose after the Master Plan card has been revealed).

If Mystique is in a location with no Henchmen and no Thugs to “redirect” the damage to, and is dealt damage on a Villain turn, does she take any damage?

Yes if there are no thugs or henchmen in her location she must take the damage herself.

What about if Pyro [Mystique henchman] deals 1 damage to everyone at his location and Kelly is there. In THAT case would a hero have to take two damage in order for Kelly not to take a damage?


Mystique’s Metamorph card (when a villain) and Hiding in Plain Sight threat: it mentions only Henchmen, not thugs – so if no Henchmen is present, can she get a damage? Or do I need to do the damage to the next clockwise thug? guess she can, because the card does not say “any thug in any location” as it says in the Metamorph card when she is a Hero.


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For Magneto’s BAM! a thug is placed in his location. Does that always happen, or does it only happen if there is a hero in the location?

It always happens.

So Magneto villainous plot is “the heroes lose if at any moment there are no civilians at any location” I started off with weapon x facility and it has no civilians does that mean I lose right away?? Also, if the magneto masterplan card does not have a BAM effect does that mean the BAM effects on the threat cards are not activated?

No, you lose if at any moment all six locations have no civilians so no, a single location with no civilians doesn’t cause you to lose. If Magneto’s masterplan card does not have a BAM, then the effects on the threats are not activated, yes.

So for the crisis tokens, do they stay with the hero for the entire game or do they go away once Magneto has attacked with “organic iron manipulation” and you are damaged due to the amount of crisis tokens you have. They stay with you. Some locations and heroes have abilities that let you discard them but if you don’t have any of those then you’re stuck with them the whole game.

All correct (and yes, Magneto is tough).

Three questions about playing with Magneto as the villain.

1) Is there anything else you can do with heroic actions since rescuing civilians is almost a bad thing in this one and there are only 2 threat cards that use heroic actions.

2) To add heroic/move tokens to “use cerebro” can you just add those any time you have “spare” heroic actions or moves on your action cards? Or do you need to be in a specific location or anything?

3) Is there any way to add civilians or convert thugs to civilians?

1) The Cerebro mission. Sometimes you’ll still need to rescue a few civilians, too.

2) You simply need to spend one move AND one heroic during the SAME hero turn. You don’t need to be in a specific location.

3) Some Hero powers do that (check Xavier for a reference), some more powers like that might appear in promo or expansion set heroes

Is [Magneto] incompatible with “Plan B” due to the special “use cerebro” mission card? Or do you simply replace “use cerebro” with the plan B “rescue 12 civilians”? And would this be the case generally for future villains with special mission cards?

All villains that don’t use the regular three missions are not compatible with Plan B Challenge.

Magneto – Blob Threat Question – The threat card says deal 1 damage and give 1 crisis token to 1 hero in this location, does this mean we have to pick 1 hero that will take the damage and crisis token, or can we pick 1 hero to take damage and another hero to take crisis token?
Mastermind Threat Question – What do we do if we pick a hero card with the hit action token and there are no more civvies in the location?
Organic Iron Manipulation Question – Are you only giving the heroes in your location the 1 crisis location or is it all heroes regardless of where they are?
Magneto’s Helmet Question – When it says Magneto and Henchman ignore the first damage, does that mean, if they get hit 2 times or more, they ignore the first hit and are damaged by the 2nd hit or more?

Blob -> the same hero takes the damage AND the crisis token
Mastermind -> in that case, nothing happens
Organic Iron -> to each Hero, regardless of where they are
Magneto’s Helmet -> exactly. On each Hero turn, they ignore the first damage they would get

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The Horsem*n of Apocalypse

Horseman Famine always goes first. Why is that? I would like to play it in Biblical order: War, Famine, Pestilence, Death. If I do this order, will it throw anything off?

We set the order that works better and is more balanced in terms of gameplay, feel free to experiment different orders (might result easier or way harder to beat each horseman).

If the Death horseman deals un-preventable damage, what happens if a Hero has an Invulnerable token?

Unpreventable means it can’t be prevented, even by invulnerability effects.

When we play after a facedown card, i assume we can just use icons from the card we just put? Or we can use icons from the player’s card before the facedown one ? (Hello Apocalypse !)

Only from the card you just put.

After the Prelude game when we setup game for Apocalypse battle, Our heros reshufle their deck and start with all their cards ? Or they have the cards they have left from prelude game?

Each Hero reshuffles their whole deck and start with the full deck.

A few questions regarding the Apocalypse expansion.

Pestilence BAM – Move pestilence to the next clockwise location with no thug and no civilian and deal 1 damage to each hero there and in adjacent locations. Does this mean that if all locations have a combination of thugs and civilians or 1 or more thugs or 1 or more civilian pestilence cannot perform her BAM?

Apocalypse Tracker- Tracker increases by 1, at the end of each villain turn in which at least 1 hero has been damaged. Each time a hero is KO’d. Each time overflow is triggered in a location. Does this mean if 2 or more heroes have been damaged or 2 or more KO’s happen at the same time, does the tracker still move only 1, or would it move for the amount of KO’s/damage taken?

– If one or more Heroes have taken damage, the tracker increases by 1,regardless of how many heroes were damaged.
– If more than one Hero goes KO during the same Villain turn,the tracker increases by 1 for each Hero that went KOand
– If more than one Location Overflows during the same Villain turn,the tracker increases by 1 for each different Location that Overflows.

Some henchmen in the game will move around the board under certain circ*mstances. In particular, Pestilence (when fighting apocalypse) says she moves to the next clockwise location with no thugs/civilians and does damage “there”. If there is no eligible location for her to move, she obviously wont move, but will she still do damage? and is this the rule for all henchmen that have some sort of movement included in their effect?

Yes if an henchmen with a “possible” movement doesn’t move, will still deal damage in his Location, even if they did not moved at all.

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First Class/Danger Room

How does the danger room module interact with a hazardous/compulsory (black box) end of turn effect location? Do you choose just one end of turn effect; or do you complete the compulsory end of turn effect and the danger room?

The mandatory end of turn effect takes precedence, so basically a danger room is attached to a mandatory end of turn location is useless (I believe you will see thematically why). Simply choose a different starting location for the heroes and place the danger room there.

Iceman’s card Freeze (First Class) says the Villain will not move in his/her turn. Does it also mean that BAM! effect is not activated? Nor should I add new civilians or thugs?

No, the Villain does not move, the rest of the card still happens.


Chaos Magic Threat Card – For the card that we randomly play, do we still get to do the action on that card or is the action on that card nullified and all you get to do is add 1 heroic a action to the threat card?

Troubled Loyalty threat card– When we clear the threat, the heroes get 1 extra turn before the villains turn, regardless of who cleared the threat (e.g, the first hero clears it and then you get another 3 hero turns before the next villain turn, meaning you get a total of 4 hero turns?)

Troubled Loyalty -> yes, regardless of who cleared the Threat (note that if Villains are under pressure, you get a total of 3 and not 4 turns)

Blue vs. Gold

Is a KO’ed Hero still considered “in the location” with regard to Villain BAM! effects? I was facing Sebastian Shaw and he KO’ed Forge with his retaliatory 2 Damage. When a character is KO’ed, you activate the Villain’s BAM! which causes Shaw to (Paraphrased) “Add a Master Plan card facedown to the timeline if there are any Heroes in his location.” Is Forge in the location or is he ignored because he’s KOed?

He is ignored

Forge – Spirit Sight – His special effect allows you to pick another location and you can use heroic action and hit action, can you use this to damage the villain? Or is it only for thugs/henchmen?

Spirit Sight -> IF the Villain can be damaged, then yes you can use the ability to damage the Villain.

Psylocke’s Psionic Blast (Attach a Stunned token to a Villain or Henchman in your Location. Next Villain turn, their BAM! is canceled and the token is discarded) : I guess if the MP card revealed during the Next Villain is without a BAM!, the Stunned token is discarded, right? (Just happened to me with Magneto)

Right. Stun tokens are a bit of gambling… unless you pair a stun hero with a screening master plan hero.

If Colossus uses his fast ball special to throw another hero at Sebastian Shaw, who receives the counter damage? Colossus who played the card and initiated the attack or the hero thrown?

The hero thrown since it’s that hero that actually deals the damage… it also makes more sense.

Shaw – His BAM states “ If there are any heroes in Sebastian Shaw’s location, draw another master plan card and add it facedown to the storyline” Does this mean regardless of how many heroes are in his location, be it 1 or 2 or 4 heroes, you only draw 1 masterplan card facedown?

Shaw – If any hero uses a special attack that can damage shaw from another location, does that hero still take 2 damge

Shaw BAM -> correct, one card, regardless of how many heroes.

Shaw bouncing back damage -> yes, the hero still takes 2 damage (I know it’s not exactly super-thematic but in this case we had to preserve the villain design)

Colossus – Fastball Special – Can I move before I use the effect, or do I have to play the effect before I can move?

Colossus -> the move is not part of the Special Action so you can move before, after or even not move at all.

X-men Gold Expansion -Locations – Chandilar – With the end of turns effect, when you discard a token, does this mean you can get 2 of the same tokens? And can it be the token you discarded? Or can you only take 1 of each token? Also, can you discard more than 1 token during the end of your turn and get double the amount of tokens (eg discard 2 tokens to get 4 tokens).

Hellfire Club – With the end of turns effect, could you in theory eliminate all the henchmen in the game? I know this screws you out of clearing the threat mission card, but I am just curious.

Krakoa – With the end of turns effect, do you have to move all the heroes or can you choose which ones to move, and do they all have to go to one place or can you split them up?

Heroes – Archangel/Iceman – Wing Shielding effect/Organic Ice Body – When you play this card, does it mean that he cannot get injured during the next set of hero turns and villain turn, until it comes back to them?

Colossus – Fastball Special – Are we counting the hit icons that are part of the thrown heroes special effects or is it only the icons at the very bottom of the card?

Bishop – Energy Absorption – If bishop is taking damage from villain and threat henchman in 1 turn, can he ignore 1 damage from each, or do you have to pick either the villain or henchmen damage?

Forge – Intuitive Genius – His card has 1 heroic action, this means you will always play 2 heroic action during that turn, correct? If I use a heroic token, does that mean I would play 4 heroic actions during that turn?

Chandilar -> any combination. So, if you discard a Movement, you can get two Movements, one Movement and one Heroic, two Heroic, one Heroic and one Attack, etc…

Hellfire Club -> yes you can. That of course makes one of the Three missions impossible for you. There might be situations where the trick works.

Krakoa -> if you use the effect, all heroes in Krakoa Location must be moved together to another single Location.

Archangel/Iceman -> exactly.

Fastball Special -> only icons at the bottom of the cards

Bishop -> no, he ignores a single damage. Please note that he could also ignore damage thanks to Energy Resistance.

Forge -> only if you’re using these actions on Threats. If you save Civilians or do something different (a few Villains allow you to use your Heroic differently) you don’t get the extra actions.

Rogue – Power Absorption – The special states “ Use the action symbols at the bottom of another hero’s faceup card in the storyline. At the end of your turn, turn that card facedown”. Is this possible, Rogue is the 3rd hero in the set of heroes turn, I use the action symbol on rogue, then use the action symbol on the previous hero card and then use rogue’s special power and again use the previous hero card action symbol?

Yes you understood it correctly.


Stryfe’s Legacy Virus reads: or ignore 1 action symbol at the bottom of the hero cards. Let’s say I start on a location with this threat and on the last card there’s a move and heroic symbol. On the card I play there’s only a heroic symbol. Should I ignore one symbol on each of the 2 cards (so e.g. only do the move action) or should I just ignore one symbol and do e.g. a heroic and a move action? I presume the latter…?

Just ignore 1 symbol among the ones you get from the bottom of the last 2 cards in the Storyline.

How does Asteroid M’s End of Turn effect interact with Stryfe’s Dark Riders?

Ok, so Dark Riders require you to spend two [Attack] actions on the first Thug you fight this turn.

If you end your turn on Asteroid M and:

– you did not damaged any Thug this turn -> the single damage dealt by Asteroid M can’t defeat any Thug
– you dealt a single damage to a Thug this turn, thus not defeating him -> the damage dealt by Asteroid M sums up with the previously dealt one, that Thug is defeated
– you already defeated one or more Thug this turn -> Dark Riders has no effect, so Asteroid M works as usual, defeating a Thug.

A follow-up question then: Hulk uses Hulk Smash in a location with 3 thugs. No one dies because of Dark Riders. Then, Hulk attacks a thug with one “attack” action. Thug dies. Do the other 2 thugs die too at that point retroactively?

Stryfe’s Dark Riders means simply that the first Thug that gets ATTACKED will require 1 extra Attack to be defeated. so: Hulk smashes in a Location with 3 Thugs. The first one survives, since he would require a second Attack to be defeated. The other two are immediately defeated.

The first thug needs 2 damage to be defeated and yes, if one thug was attacked for a single damage during the turn Asteroid M can target and defeat him or any other Thug at the end of turn.

Based on the rule in the X-Force box, hazard locations have black text boxes and must be resolved if there is no threat card on it. These effects are negative instead of the usual positive EoT effects. Mount Wundagore has a black text background with a negative EoT effect, but it doesn’t have the Hazardous Location icon on its title box. I assume this is a mistake.

Actually, no. The effect is mandatory, yes, but not always detrimental to heroes (it’s actually often really useful for heroes with bottom cards intheir decks or simply with bad hands).

For Cable’s techno organic philosophy effect, do I just attack someone to draw 3 cards, or do I have to use my wild action as an attack move to get the 3 cards?

You get the attack action and draw. No need to use the wild.

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Phoenix Five

Phoenix five Cyclops has a threat card that adds a civilian to his location and the adjacent ones when he lands there. If all three are full and he lands there with a master plan card that also adds to all 3, is overflow triggered 6 times?

Phoenix five Magik has a threat card “Heroes starting their turn in this location treat any Special Effects on the card they play this turn as blank.” Phoenix Force has a threat “Heroes starting their turn in this Location treat all Special Effects on their cards as blank this turn.” For each of these, if I play Multiple Man’s starting card there, then start a future turn in another location, can I spawn a dupe? Also, how do each of these interact if I play a card there that makes me invulnerable until the start of my next turn?

In order:

– each Location can Overflow only once during a single Villain turn, so overflow would be triggered “only” 3 times.

– these threats only cancel a) special effects played on that turn (Magik’s) or b) all special effects in the story line for that hero (Phoenix Force) during that turn. Special effects with the keyword “As long” will become active again if you start another turn in a different location. So, if you start a future turn in another location, you can spawn the dupe. On the other hand, special effects that will turn you invulnerable were not triggered if played on a turn where you start your turn on such a threat so they did not triggered and won’t be active if you start your next turn on a different Location. It’s a bit tricky but I hope it’s clear.

In Phoenix Five with Cyclops’ threat cards, there are some that say “Non-mutant heroes take 1 additional damage”. Who are non-mutant heroes? Is there a list of characters somewhere that this rule applies to?

1. From the Rulebook, pag.9:
IMPORTANT: If a Threat card moves, its Threat token moves with it. If a Threat
card has no Threat token next to it (usually because it was brought back into
play), when cleared, simply take any available Threat token to place on the
Mission card (if possible).
The general principle, valid withall Villainsis that if you clear a Threat, any Threat, and there are still slots on the Solve Threat Mission, you place a Token on that Mission. In other words, where the position of the Threat token is totally irrelevant for all Villains. They are placed on Locations just as a reminder, since most times you solve a Threat while in that Location.

2. Villain Cards are solved top to bottom, so the civilian/thugs will be placed after all effects that move the Villain(s).
Also in this case, it might be worth noticing that this is a general principle that applies toall Villainsand not only to Lady Deathstrike

A question about the Phoenix Force card with the text below: “Heroes starting their turn in this Location must ignore 1 Action symbol at the bottom of Hero cards.”Is it 1 symbol for all Hero cards (most of the times 2 cards) or 1 symbol per card?

1 x all

How does Magik (Phoenix Five)’s KO banish effect interact with Doctor Strange’s Orb of Agamotto? Specifically, I’ve got the orb in the storyline, but Strange just got KO’d and banished. Do I still play with the top card of the villain deck revealed?

Bonus (I think I’m playing this right, but wanted to double-check): Apocalypse’s Immortality card says that when he’s KO’d, the villain doesn’t activate their BAM or any alternate effect. This means he’s safe from being banished by Magik and will just revive on the next turn like normal, right?

Cards in the storyline belonging to Heroes removed from play stay in the storyline (unless differently specified), so yes you would still play with the top card revealed. And yes, Apocalypse is immune from being banished by Magik (and many other things). Yes, Apocalypse hero is kind of a “cheat code” for quite a few villains in the game.

If we complete Phoenix Five mission cards against one villain, when we face the next one do we have to redo the completed mission cards again?

Yes, each game against a new villain is a “new” game, so you’ll have to redo missions (you can choose to complete different ones).

For the Phoenix 5 expansion, do we get to use 4 heroes plus hope summers? If we complete mission cards against one villain, when we face the next one do we have to redo the completed mission cards again?

No, Hope is simply one of the Heroes you can choose for your game.

And yes, each game against a new villain is a “new” game, so you’ll have to redo missions (you can choose to complete different ones)

For the Train Hope Mission – To complete this mission, a hero must use both a move and an attack action during the same turn to place a pair of tokens from the pool on the card.

These actions are spent to add the tokens to the mission and do not allow the hero to move and or attack. Does the move/attack have to come from the hero card whose turn it is or can I use 1 attack from the previous hero card and the move from the current hero card?

Can come from different cards.

In the Phoenix 5 expansion, can you get rid of crisis tokens on locations by using heroic or attack action, or do the crisis tokens stay on the location permanently until the villain is defeated?

Hope – Denying Effect – The next masterplan card is played facedown in the storyline, with no effect. Then remove the top card of the masterplan deck from play and flip this card facedown. – just so I understand, if i play this card right before the villains turn, when it is the villains turn the card goes facedown and nothing happens and then it is the next hero turn and you discard another villain masterplan card from the deck. And this card goes facedown which means the next hero cannot use the move action from this card.

Phoenix 5: I guess you’re referring to Namor. Crisis tokens stay on the location permanently until Namor is defeated.

Hope: all correct

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When a hero is KO’d or out of play (e.g. Gwenpool’s Gutter Space), do cards that say “If this card is face-up in the Storyline” still activate? Example – Gwenpool’s Land Shark & Fantomex’s Cyber Mind.

1. No when you’re KO these effects do not activate.

We were Deadpool and Lady Deadpool fighting Bob while playing the Deadpool Chaos Challenge. We had not cleared all 3 Mission cards yet (we only needed to defeat 2 more thugs for Bob to become vulnerable).

I drew the Deadpool Chaos Card: Lady Deadpool [Female Heroes gain 1 Wild token. Female Villains gain 1 Health (may go above starting value). Male Heroes and Villains take 1 damage. Anybody else may move to any Location.]

Should Bob have suffered 1 damage or is he immune to this damage as well? I expect he would be immune BUT the Deadpool Chaos Challenge is truly chaotic amd I wasn’t sure if it overrules the Villain’s invulnerability (breaking the 4th wall stuff…) We played it as though he was still immune to damage and we did actually win but we’re wondering if we should have claimed the victory at that moment.

Q. Would the Deadpool Chaos Challenge card: Lady Deadpool defeat Bob in this instance?

Until the Villain can take damage, he can’t take damage so no Bob would not have suffered any damage from the card.

Deadpool (the Hero) has a card named “Breaking the Fourth Wall” which requires you to resolve a Deadpool Challenge deck card. I’m guessing that it’s just the lower effect part of it and not the movement part? It seems like that would exclusively be for Deadpool (the Challenge).

What if you’re playing with both the hero and the challenge? Does breaking the fourth wall cause you to make the challenge Deadpool move?

Yes and… yes if you play with the hero and the challenge you also apply the movement ( to challenge Deadpool only).

Bob, Agent of HYDRA question.

As a villain, when his masterplan card states: “If there are no Heroes in Bob’s Location, increase the Retirement Plan track by 1. Then, add 1 THUG in every location.” Does that mean if there is a hero in Bob’s Location, we do not add 1 THUG to every location?

The two effects are unrelated so yes you add the thugs regardless.

Question: when using the symbols from the previous card, do you skip face down hero cards? Or do you count the face down card as blank and get no benefit? For example Gwenpool has an ability where she can turn face down two cards in the story line, could you use that to turn face down one or two of the preceding hero cards so that you would instead benefit from a better card played before that? Or the Pteradactyl guy gives you a hypno token, forcing you to play your card face down. If hero 1 plays face up, hero 2 plays face down because of hypno, does hero 3 then play and get the benefit of hero 1’s card? Or do they look instead at hero 2’s face down card and get nothing?

[Face down cards or cards without symbols do count. You get nothing from them.]


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Days of Future Past

In a game against the Sentinels: if the Sentinel would move 1 location closer to its target hero; would he move if Cloak is out of play? And if so, to which location would he move?

The Sentinel would not move.

When fighting the Sentinels+Nimrod, I understand that the Sentinel turns are not “Villain Turns”. Are there simply no villain turns before the Sentinels are defeated and Nimrod emerges, or is there a no-op villain turn every 3 hero cards (or every 2 hero cards, since Nimrod starts Under Pressure)? In particular, this matters because Wolverine’s starting card lets him heal at the end of each Villain turn. We played that Wolverine basically can’t heal until Nimrod has emerged. (It seemed a bit thematically odd, but easy enough to rationalize 🙂 ) Is that correct?

Correct. No villain turns until Nimrod shows up.

Playing Days of Future Past expansion for the first time today and had a couple questions pop up from it.

First, when cards are flipped facedown does that mean that no heroes or villains ( including Sentinels) can access the symbols on the bottom of those Storyline cards for the next individuals move or Sentinel Activation?

Second, if there are no Sentinel Production Threat Cards still in play does that mean that Sentinels no longer heal? Also, if they no longer heal does the ‘If the Sentinel was already at full Health, increase the Nimrod Activation track by 1 instead.’ still take effect.

A) exactly
B) yes they do no longer heal but also yes track might still rise

If playing Days of Future Past and using Mystique as a hero, when you play her Spymaster card, does that stay in effect until Nimrod comes out and the first master plan card is played or does it lose its effect after the next time Mystiques turn comes around?

I thought it would stay in effect but having it not apply for 5 or 6 hero turns after it was initially played seems a bit weird.

Same question about Metamorph. Can I still redirect when Nimrod comes out and does damage to me on his first turn?


[Actually, they would both stay in effect and apply to the first Master Plan card played. They don’t “do” anything against the Sentinels so they’re kind of “sleeping” until Nimrod comes into play. The Sentinels are NOT Villains…]

For battle with Nimrod, if we clear both Sentinels Production threat card, does wilds used by heroes do nothing at all for the Sentinels and Nimrod track? Its like a free pass?


Playing with Nimrod, after defeating the last Sentinel, if the current player chooses to use an End of Turn Effect to discard his last card for tokens, is he being eliminated due to Nimrod’s effect? Or he can still revive on his next turn since Nimrod has not appeared yet?

That means which will resolve first if the location’s end of turn effect and the villain’s end of turn effect are triggered at the same time?

If two effects resolve at the same time, heroes choose which one is resolved first.

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Fantastic Four

How does the F4 “Teamwork” function?
“Perform actions of the same type of all action tokens on the F4 card.”
If the F4 card has two move tokens, two heroic tokens and two hit tokens, and someone plays a Teamwork hero card, do they get to do as a special action;
1) one move, one heroic and one punch
2) two moves, two heroics and two punches?

Two of each. It would require that six other Teamwork cards have been previously played, so that’s not an easy feat.

For the interaction of Dr Doom and Sentinels.

If Dr Doom flips 3 previous cards using its special.
Do the sentinel only do Dr Dooms cards since the previous card before him is face down.
Or does it do Dr Doom + whatever is the last card face up before Dr Doom.

The sentinel will check the last two cards in the storyline, if the card is face down it’s still checked (and since it has no symbols on the back, it results in the Sentinel not seeing any icon). So, basically, the Sentinel will only look at the last card played by Doom in that case (yes, Dr. Doom is an excellent counter to the Sentinels).

A question about the Human Torch’s Nova Flame power, Dr Doom and Doombots: Dr Doom cannot be damaged if there is a Doombot in his location, and Nova flame deals 2 damage to EVERYTHING else in Human Torch’s Location. Let’s say, two Threats have been cleared, Dr Doom and Torch are in the same location and there is at least one Doombot there too. If the Human Torch’s player applies the Nova flame special effect, does Dr Doom takes 2 damage? Must we consider that the 2 damage dealt applies simultaneously, so Dr Doom cannot be damaged because when the 2 damage are dealt there is still at least one Doombot in the Location?

When things happens simultaneously, hero players choose the order they happen (if that has a meaning). So, Human Torch deals 2 damage to everything, doombots are destroyed and Dr.Doom takes 2 damage since he is left without protection.

Are some Special Effects considered a single action or ? eg. Thing’s “Clobberin’ Time” (PUNCH, PUNCH against a single target in your Location. Then, PUNCH, PUNCH against a different target there.) Can I forfeit 1 of the PUNCHes to remove a Crisis token as per Dr. Doom’s rule to remove a Crisis token or do I need to forfeit the 2 PUNCHes against the single target or do I need to forfeit the entire Special Effect action to do so or can I even do this at all?

Also, consider Spider-Man’s “Great Responsibility” Special Effect (Rescue up to 3 CIVILIANS in your Location. For each CIVILIAN rescued with this Special Effect, gain 1 PUNCH token.) Can I rescue 1 CIVILIAN in my Location (and gain a PUNCH token) then move to a new Location and Rescue 2 more in my new Location, gaining 2 more PUNCH tokens?

The most important thing to remember about special effects is that once you resolve one with multiple steps inside, you can’t stop, perform other actions, then go back to the rest of the special effect.

[that said]

Clobberin Time: If you really want to do so, you need to forfeit 2 Punches to get rid of the Crisis token, then you can PUNCH PUNCH against a target of your choice in your Location.

Great Responsibility: all CIVILIANS to be rescued must be in a single location, based on the above principle (you can’t use a move action in the middle of a special action resolution).

When playing against Dr. Doom: Do the self-destruct protocol threats stack? If I destroy a Doombot that is adjacent to both of these threats, do i take 1 damage or 2 (one for each threat)?

It’s 2 damage.

On this topic, can you confirm the following ? Or correct me if needed
– dupe tokens “rescued” as civilians go on the corresponding mission card
– similarly, doom bots (from playing with doctor doom as a villain), when defeated, go on the corresponding mission card
– if dupe or doom bot tokens run out, we should not use displace those placed on the mission cards, they just stay there and the tokens are considered to have run out (in the case of doom bots, if we need to place doom bots and we have none, we place none; in the case of dupes, multiple man cannot use his ability to place dupes)
– once a mission is cleared, the corresponding civilian/thug/dupe/doom bot tokens go back to their respective supplies and, if they previously ran out in the case of dupe or doom bots, they are available again

– dupe tokens go on the corresponding mission
– doom bots go to the corresponding mission
– yes dupe tokens and doom bots are limited so yes if there are no doom bots available to be placed, they’re not placed, and multiple man can’t use his ability
– and yes once a mission is cleared, tokens go back to the pool.

All correct!

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Season 2 promo box

How do we play masterminds BAM?? “Heroes in this and adjacent locations reveal 1 random card from their hands, for each attack icon at the bottom of the reveal card, discard 1 civii from that hero location.” Do you guys shuffle your hand and pick a random card??

Yes that’s how it works.

X-23’s “Master Martial Artist” reads:

(special power) Double each [attack] on the previous hero card in the story line.
(followed by) 1 move. 1 attack.

The previous hero card in the story line was Weapon X’s “Adamantium claws” which reads:

(special power) 2 attack.
(followed by) 1 attack.My daughter was pretty sure she could double the previous card to 6 attack and do 1 attack from her own card for a total of 7 attack.
I believe this was wishful thinking; she wasn’t allowed to double the attack of the special power in my opinion, but just do 2 attack (from the adamantium claws card) and 1 attack (from her own card) for a total of 3 cards. Any thoughts on this?

You are correct.

One more question, regarding Lady Deathstrike: Her BAM reads: Quote:Lady Deathstrike moves 1 location closer to the Hunted Hero. Then, deal 1 damage to 1 hero in Lady Deathstrike’s Location. Let’s say the locations are in clockwise order 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 (so 6 is next to 5 and 1). Let’s say the hunted hero is in location 2 and Lady Deathstrike is in location 4. When she BAM’s, she will go to location 3. That’s pretty obvious. But what if the hunted hero is in location 2 and Lady Deathstrike is in the exact opposite location: location 5. Will she: a. Move clockwise to the next location (location 6), OR b. Move counter clockwise to the next location (location 4), OR c. The players are allowed to chose: clockwise or counter clockwise. We went for option 1, as on the masterplan cards she always seems to move clockwise, but I was wondering if we were allowed to chose, in this case.

C (whenever a choice is possible, heroes choose)

Lady Deathstrike: am i playing her “revenge in motion” cards correctly?? the way i read it is: She bams, then her henchmen do their Bams. Then, the threats get shifted. Then she bams again and then her henchmen all bam again. Is that all correct? Man, I’ve lost to her a bunch of times from the hunted hero having to take four hits in one turn! She certainly doesnt let up.

Yes it works as you described. Yes, she’s tough. You can blame Alexio Schneeberger that is the co-designer for her (and some of the tougher villains in X-men United, indeed)! (joking, of course, Alexio co-designed some of the most interesting villains from both seasons)

Another question, regarding Silver Samurai: His ‘Tachyon Field Sword Duel’ reads: Quote:1 Hero in Silver Samurai’s location reveals their hand. If they don’t have a total of at least 2 [attack] at the bottom of their cards, they must discard all cards to the bottom of the their deck. Guardian unfortunately only had 1 card in hand and didn’t have any attack. What happens? 1. Guardian discards that card to the bottom of the deck, which means he goes KO, so next turn he draws 4 new cards, OR 2. Guardian discards that card to the bottom of the deck, but doesn’t go KO this way. Next turn he simply draws 1 card.

You did it right. “Mount Wundagor’ specifically states that you don’t go KO. If you discard your last card for other reasons, you go KO.

I’ve a question regarding Silver Samurai “Tachyon Field Sword Duel”:

– Can I use Wilds symbols in the bottom like Attacks symbols to fulfil the request of villain cards?

Unfortunately no, you must have attack symbols, not wild ones

Silver Samurai has an ability the doesn’t allow you to activate a location ability if there are any thugs there. Does this apply to mandatory location abilities as well?

No, it applies only to non-mandatory Locations effect. Indeed, the text is not that clear, sorry about that!

Is Lockheed a character for things like flipping Arcade’s threats?

No, Lockeed is not considered to be a “hero” by game effects (same goes for Multiple Man dupes).

Arcade’s question. His Quick Rebuild master plan card place the Threat card faceup or facedown? Then place the Threat card on Arcade’s location if it is empty?

Facedown, yes.

A Question about theBrood Queen:
Her BAM! and Overflow let her place Threat cards. Does she
A)use only one of the six Threat cards of her pool for that and when all of them are used she can’t place Threats anymore?
B)does she re-use Threat cards that the heroes have already beaten, so she has an unlimited amount of Threat cards at her disposal?

I thought B)

I am afraid it’s B). Yes the Brood Queen can be quite a challenging villain!

Question about Brood Queen: After her BAM brings out a new Brood treat, does the newly spawned Brood activate its Bam? I believe with Green Goblin, the new threat doesn’t activate so i assume this works the same way but just want to confirm. Please let me know if I’m wrong about GG as well.

You are right on both (Brood Queen and Green Goblin): threat that come into play during a Villain Turn do not get to activate their BAM in the very same turn.

When the BAM! is triggered, that Threat is not in play, so it won’t be activated. The rules refer to the order for resolving BAM effects (Villain first, Threat after, starting from the Villain location and proceeding clockwise).

Major Domo: henchmen. His power activates when a thug or a civilian is no longer present on the location or when the location is completely empty? If there is only a civilian in the location, when the Bam! happens, do we have to add a civilian and a thug? (In which set was given the mojo verse location?)

When the location is completely empty. Mojoverse is in Team Blue expansion.

Just finished a game against Omega Red. Sasquatch ended up with 7 crisis tokens, but the rest of the team was crisis free. Letting a single player get all the crisis tokens seems like a too easy counter against OR. Did I play something wrong?

With Lethal Spores, players get to decide freely which hero gets the token.

Just to be sure: During our first play with Multiple Man, we added his dupes in a civilian/thug slot on the location. The card reads: “you may place 1 Dupe token in your location (functions as a civlian)”. So that’s the way it should be played; his dupes should be in an empty slot? Or can they be added to any location, even if there are no empty slots for thugs/civilians left?

Only in empty slots.

I need some clarification on Multiple Man’s dupes please. I’m fighting Mojo and reveal the MP card “Turn all Civilians in Locations into Thugs.” Does this affect dupes? Will they be turned into Thugs, thereby losing the dupe? Similarly, am I able to rescue dupes like civilians? Basically, I’d like to confirm how much a dupe “functions as a Civilian.”

It’s a yes to all your questions. Dupes can be turned into Thugs, rescued, etc…

. I got some questions about Callisto after playing against her for the first time:
-If there’s only 1 Morlock Tunnels threat card active and Callisto lands there and then BAM, does she move all the way back to that same location?
-When Callisto lands on Morlock Tunnels and then BAMS, do we have to activate again the “land on” Morlock Tunnels threat card effect (ADD 1 thug) or does that effects only activate for the moving symbol and not the BAM?

I hope I explained myself. She got a 0 on the last Morlock Tunnels card when it was already full, so I ad to do an Overflow effect because of the land effect. Then, if she had to move all the way back to the same location and activate the land effect again, it would have caused a second Overflow. And after that, her spawning caused 3 overflows more, so she ended up playing 6 cards in a row. Maybe I was unlucky or maybe I should not be doing some of the things I mentioned.

“If there’s only 1 Morlock Tunnels threat card active and Callisto lands there and then BAM, does she move all the way back to that same location?”


“When Callisto lands on Morlock Tunnels and then BAMS, do we have to activate again the “land on” Morlock Tunnels threat card effect (ADD 1 thug) or does that effects only activate for the moving symbol and not the BAM?”

Yes. The “landing ” effect is activated each time the villain moves ending their movement in that Location, not only when moving due to the movement of the Master Plan phase.

A question asked previously was about Callisto and the Morlock Tunnels threat cards. Andrea explained that if Callisto moved to one of such threats due to a BAM!, then the thread card effect would be triggered and a thug would be added (possibly after having already added a thug to the location where Callisto ended her movement if there was a Morlock tunnel threat).

The rules however say that [target symbol] effects should be triggered after a move (even if the move is 0) on the final location of the movement. Do they mention anywhere that these effects shouldalsobe triggered on a villain movement being the result of something else than the standard movement on the master plan card, like a BAM! in this case ? Should it be the case for any type of additional movement and not just BAM! ? If (and I have no idea if that exists) a villain is moved by a hero, will the [target symbol] effects trigger to ?

Short answer: yes. If the villain moves for any reason (one possible could be Deadpool challenge card effects) and they end their movement on a [target symbol] threat, that effect triggers.

When fighting Calisto and she BAMs she will move to a different location in the middle of her BAM. This leads to two questions:
– Does she activate Henchman BAM abilities in the original (pre-BAM) place or on the final (post+BAM) one?

– Does she place Thugs/Civilians in the original (pre-BAM) place or on the final (post+BAM) one?

For example, let’s say we have locations A through F. Locations D,E and F are Morlock Tunnels, the remaining ones show any Henchman. Calisto starts her turn on A and reveals a card with 2 movement and BAM. She will move to C (who has a BAM henchman) and BAM, teleporting to D.
– Does still trigger the BAM on space C? Or is it ignored because she is D now?
– Are thugs/civilians placed on BCD or CDE?

All villains (Callisto is no exception) fully resolve their own BAM, then resolve the BAM ofeach of their Henchmenstarting from their Location and proceeding clockwise.

So, Callisto moves to C, BAMs and teleports to D.
Now, each of her Henchmen resolves their BAM!, starting with the one on A, then the one on B, finally the one on C.
After all Henchmen have resolved their BAM, Callisto places Thugs/Civilians, so they’re placed in CDE since she’s on D now.
At this point, if any Location overflowed, Overflows are triggered, starting from Location D, then proceeding to E, F, A, B, C.

I am playing against Calisto and her Bam! says that she moves to the next location with Morlock Tunnels threat, am i supposed to activate the landing effect of that location and add an additional thug? or does that only happen when she her masterplan card moves her to that location?

You do activate the landing effect

Hopefully a quick question, when Emma Frost’s mind wipe card comes up, cancelling special effects, does that also apply to cards face up in the timeline? E.g would it cancel Cloak’s ability to teleport?

Yes, Erasing Minds cancels all special effects, including cards face up in the storyline, so it would cancel Cloak’s ability to teleport or Wolverine’s regeneration, Mystique redirection etc…

There’s one Crisis token on Emma Frost’s Dashboard at the end of her turn (playing her as a Villain) so no extra Master Plan is drawn and placed facedown in the Storyline. But does the“Then, remove from here [Dashboard] a number of Crisis tokens equal to the number of Heroes”apply if no extra MP card was drawn? I guess so but I’m not sure.

You only remove the Crisis tokens if you apply the previous effect (playing an extra Master Plan face down), otherwise, Crisis tokens stay on Emma’s Dashboard. 🙂

A question about Dark Phoenix. Her special rule can turn facedown a location (then no more slot for thugs/civilians). -> Do we resolve Overflow on a facedown location ?

Yes, they’re treated as locations with no slots. Just remember each Location can only overflow once in a single turn and you’ll be fine.

I have 2 questions about Dark Phoenix:

1) The Villain Dark Phoenix card says: “The Heroes lose if all locations are turned facedown BEFORE ANY missions have been completed”.

If I can quickly complete a mission (for example: to defeat thugs), before Dark Phoenix has turned facedown all locations, is the only way for her to win when her master plan cards run out or the heroes have no more cards to draw?

2) One of the masterplan cards”(Cosmic Teleportation) says: Add 2 civilian in this Location. Resolve this Master Plan card 1 more time. Then, turn it facedown

Does that mean flip this masterplan card facedown or facedown the location where Dark Phoenix is?

1) yes. It’s usually your best shot at defeating her, if you time it right.

2) the Master Plan card, not the Location.

For Villain Legion his last trait is End Game with Special Rule. He can’t take any damage, does this mean he kinda auto wins, or am I missing something?

Indeed, you are. You can still defeat Legion by clearing all six threats, so placing 1 Master Plan card out from the storyline and at the bottom of the Master Plan deck, as written on Legion dashboard.

If I play as Shadow King and I use my Bam, may I give only 1 crisis token whatsoever or 1 to hero in my location, and one crisis token to heroes in adjacent locations?

Shadow King BAM! reads like this:

“Give 1 Crisis token to 1 Hero in Shadow King’s Location and adjacent ones.”

This means that: if, for example, there is 1 Hero in Shadow King Location and 1 Hero in a Location adjacent to the one currently occupied by Shadow King, both heroes will get a Crisis token. In a different example, if one, two or more heroes are all in Shadow King Location and no hero is present in the adjacent Locations, only one of the Heroes in Shadow King Location will get the token.

Please remember that if multiple heroes are in one location (Shadow King’s one or one of the adjacent ones) only one of these heroes will get the Crisis token, and the Hero players gets to choose which of these heroes gets the token (same as they usually do with taking damage).

We cleared one of Toad’s Leaping Ground threats. If he would take damage, he moves instead. If we chase him there, does he now take damage (he can’t move away?) or does he “move zero” negating the damage?

He “moves zero” thus negating the damage.

Hero Phoenix has a card for the bottom. When you take damage do the discarded cards go below her last card or on top of it? Thanks in advance.


Using Spiral as a hero. Let’s say there is one Spell dance in the storyline and I play a second one. Can I use the same effect from the list twice (gain 1 heroic toke twice, for instance) or do I have to choose different ones (draw 1 card and gain 1 heroic token)?

You can choose the same effect twice, yes.

My first question today refers to Shadowcat’s Phasing Others and Nightcrawler’s Anybody Need a Lift?. “Moving another Hero with you”/”Bring another Hero in your location with you” only apply to a Hero that is coming originally from the same location of Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, right?

My second question is also about Shadowcat, but now playing against Mystique. If Senator Kelly is with Shadowcat in the same location and she has a Phasing active, Kelly is also shielded against any damage, right? But does he/Shadowcat earn an extra Star token for this blocked damage on Kelly?

  1. Right
  2. Yes and Yes, she gets the token (Kitty’s amazing at protecting people)

Onslaught’s “Superior Strategist” Threat Card states “Each Hero must move 1 Location away from Onslaught OR take 1 Crisis token.” Is this a choice on the part of the Heroes? Can they choose to stay where they are and receive the Crisis token? Or is it intended as the Heroes receive a Crisis token if they are unable to move away from Onslaught because they are in the location opposite him and moving would place them closer?

Is it both?

  1. It’s a choice if they can move away. As you wrote, if they’re in the opposite location, however, they can only choose to get the crisis token
  2. Correct [it’s both]

Played against the brotherhood and lost. But when 1 or 2 of the villains are KO are they removed from the game (no longer in any location) Also for the master plan that has reference to 1 or both KO villains do we just ignore that villains movement and bams. And adding civilians special would include 4 or 5 locations if there are fewer villains? Sorry, for the barrage of questions.

Yes to everything you asked

Tacking on 2 more questions related to the Brotherhood trio:

1. The Master Plan card showing all 3 villains has the Blam icon between 2 of them. Does the 3rd villain at the bottom also activate Blam?

2. If Toad is already on the only Leaping Foothold in play, does he just stay put & take no damage when attacked?

Yes and yes

Do Wilds count as Attacks when checking for Silver Samurai’s Tachyon Field? (Btw SS is nutz, he KO’d my entire team on 2nd turn after 2 BAMs on Yashida Dojo)

No, wilds do not count. Please remember that he challenges one Hero only, and heroes get to choose which hero is challenged. So, bring someone in the fight with a few punches, and… do not play them too early.

The Namor villain’s “Tidal Waves” has a “when landed” icon and says “move each hero 1 location away from Namor”. Does this only apply to heroes in his location?
If not, what happens when a hero is 3 spaces away? I guess they don’t move?

[1. It applies to all.
2. They dont move.]


Villian Namor – Villainous plot, the heroes lose if there are 3 crisis tokens in 4 locations or more. To make sure, does this mean each location has to have 3 crisis tokens?

Overflow – if 1 or more civi/thug cannot be added to a location place 1 crisis token. Does this mean you remove one thug or civilian and replace with 1 crisis token?

Namor -> yes 3 crisis on each location

Overflow -> crisis token on Locations, unless otherwise specified, do not cover thug/civilian spaces, simply stay in the Location. So no, you don’t remove thug or civilians, you simply add the crisis token.

The Namor Masterplan Card – Imperius Rex – Deal 1 damage among heroes for each rex master plan card in the storyline. Then add 1 civil in each location that has 1 or 2 crisis locations.

Are you dealing 1 damage to every hero or just the hero in namor location?

[Since it doesn’t say “in his location”, it means it applies to all heroes no matter what location they are in. You don’t do 1 damage each; you count how many rex cards there are, (say for example, 3), and then distribute the damage however you want. One person could take all 3, or 1 for each, or 2 to one hero and 1 to another, etc.]


Fantomex – after the villain turn hero action or punch action on villain space, am I right to play this as: the punch can be used to deal 1 damage to the villain? Lady deathstrike – if the hunted hero leaves the board e.g gwenpool ability where she leaves the game. Where does lady deathstrike move to, as she technically has no target? We played it as she moves to the last location gwenpool was before temporarily leaving the game.

Fantomex… yes. Lady Deathstrike would not move in that case.

Questions about Fantomex’s Cyber Mind (As long as this card is faceup in the Storyline, at the end of each Villain turn, you may perform 1 Star or 1 Punch in the Villain’s Location :
1) When facing Toad, Blob & Pyro, which Villain Location is to be used? When I played it today, I chose one Location where there was a Villain who was on the Master Plan card played. Is it correct? I guess Fantomex cannot perform 1 Star or 1 Punch in every activated Villain’s Location.
2) Can Fantomex punch Blob with Cyber Mind if not in his Location? I guess not.

1) you choose one of the three even if he wasn’t in the master plan just played.
2) he can’t

Fantomex’s card “Misdirection – As long as this card is faceup in the Storyline, when the top card of the Master Plan deck is revealed, you may immediately move to an adjacent Location.” Does this trigger when: A) a Master Plan card is simply revealed i.e. via Dr. Stange’s “Orb of Agamotto” OR B) only when a Master Plan card is actually played to the Storyline (but just before it’s played). ? We’ve been using option A) but only when it’s actually revealed to the Fantomex player herself (via Dr. Strange, etc.) If it’s only revealed to a single player other than Fantomex, we’ve not allowed it to work (but that player can absolutely tell us what’s about to happen even though the card is not physically “revealed” to us). Is this correct or are we being too strict with the wording?

Just for clarification, what should the timing for everything be? If the Orb of Agamotto is in play, I’m still trying to sort out when the timing occurs.

1. Strange player plays “Orb of Agamotto” & reveals the top card of the Master Plan deck –> Fantomex player triggers their move in response? This means that if the Doctor Strange player went into their turn with “Orb of Agamotto” and a Move (from the previous Hero card, because Orb has no actions) the Strange player chooses what they resolve first – either Orb or the Move. If they choose the Orb, the Fantomex player interrupts and moves BEFORE the Strange player gets to take their own Move. Is this correct?

2. On a Villain turn, the top card is played with the Orb revealed – when is the next Master Plan card revealed? My gut says that as soon as the current top card is removed and added to the Storyline, the next Master Plan card is revealed immediately, allowing the Fantomex player to move BEFORE the played Master Plan card starts to resolve. Is this correct, as it works with how the ability would work if the Master Plan card was drawn face down, then revealed and added to the Storyline. I believe the intent is always that Fantomex gets a move opportunity BEFORE the Villain starts to resolve their card.

It’s A) since Orb of Agamotto reveals the card to all players 🙂 If a single player has an effect that allows that player to “look at” the Master Plan Card, then Fantomex’s Misdirection is not triggered

Design intent was definitely 2.

Blob can only be damaged by heroes in his location. Damage from Punisher’s precision shot can’t be cancelled or reduced. What happens when Punisher shoots Blob from a different location?

Follow-up question, does Precision Shot have to be in Frank’s location?

Since the damage can’t be canceled, Blob ability is overruled and Punisher deals the damage.

Yes it does.

Phoenix’s starting card said “As long as this card faceup in the storyline, other players skip Phoenix’s cards.” So, how to resolve this in a two-player game? Does the other player receive nothing from the previous storyline card? As he cannot gain anything from Phoenix’s cards and his previously played cards.

The other player gets icons from their own cards.

We just finished playing against Deathbird (2 games due to the 1st game being the fastest MU game I’ve ever played). Her Special Rule is that we cannot have more than 3 Locations with more starting Thugs than Civilians (thus Crisis tokens). We always randomly choose Locations save for any themed Locations i.e. Shi’ar Empire. We started with 3 Locations with more Thugs.

Her first card caused 2 other Locations to have more Thugs than Civilians (after placing them) bringing the total Crisis token count up to 5 (in 5 different Locations) before we even had a single card played. In other words, we lost without playing. Is this correct and simply bad luck or am I missing something or is there an errata?

It’s simply bad luck, just start another game (maybe, replace 1-2 locations so that you don’t already start with 3 crisis tokens in play)

Mastermind’s special setup says that “2 Heroes do not start in the Heroes’ starting Location, but in each of the Locations adjacent to it.” If playing with only 2 heroes, does that mean the starting location gets determined and then they each start in one of the adjacent locations? Or does that special setup only apply in games with 3+ heroes?

Starting location gets determined and then they each start in one of the adjacent locations.

Concerning Hazardous Locations: Madripoor, Mojoverse, and Mount Wundagore all have dark colored negative location effects. But none of these locations have the hazardous locations Icons.

Are these locations supposed to be considered to be hazardous locations when taking on the hazardous locations challenge?

No, since these aren’t always negative, just mandatory.

I had fun playing Alpha flight (without Sasquatch) to beat the dark Phoenix but want to make sure I wasn’t cheating. Does the first ‘alpha flight’ card get one token, the second two tokens etc.? Or, alternatively, does the card being played itself not count such that there is no token for the first ‘alpha flight’ card played, one token for the second card played, etc.? If I played correctly, these cards were really fun when you have four on the team (alpha flight under appreciated). Incidentally, to have the Dark Phoenix flip over locations was a brilliantly creative way to thematically express her uniquely extreme power in her essentially being able to destroy locations.

Yes you were playing correctly.

When activating a special ability, can you choose to only use part of it? i have two cases specifically:

A) Gambit’s master thief: i gain the wild token, and my teammate has only 1 token. Do i have to take it, even if I’d rather she keep it?

Snowbird’s Animal shapeshifting: i get a wild icon and an attack from her ability, i use the wild as a heroic to clear a threat, but i don’t want to use the attack because my only target is a thug, which would then clear the first mission and we don’t want to do that just yet. (another example of this could be Antman’s Grow card, which says “move, then attackx3”). Can i just disregard the symbols i don’t want to use on special abilities as if they were symbols at the bottom of my cards?

If you could give me some insight on both these instances, but also let me know if there’s a sort of “rule of thumb” for things like this.

B) Are you referring specifically to Gambit master thief card or in general?

For example, Scarlet Witch’s Reality Warping card, it says, Facedown Master plan cards are shuffle back into the deck. Place Heroes in their starting location. Each Hero with less than 3 cards in hand draws cards from the start of the storyline until they have 3 in hand.

I could not do the first part as it was the 2nd villain card to be used in the game, does this mean I cannot do the rest of the card effects?

A) Action icons you get, you’re always free to not use them, so Snowbird could disregard the attack symbol.

However, if two effects are linked by “and” or “then”, if you perform the first part you usually must perform the second unless the second effect begins with “you may”.
Also note that if you don’t perform the first part, you won’t gain the second.
So, if Gambit gains the wild token, he must steal one token from his teammates (his thief nature is just too strong for him to resist).
And if Antman doesn’t move, he can’t use these attacks (but he can choose to only use one, or two or even none of these even if he moves, since these are actions, and are always optional). Hope it’s clear (I know, it’s a bit tricky).

B) I was referring to Hero Special Abilities, where if two parts are connected, if you perform the first you have to resolve the second part and if you choose to not perform the first, you don’t get the second one. Please also note that if you choose to perform the first part and you can’t (lack of target or other limitations, you still get the second part). I’ll make an example with Antman: you activate Grow. If you don’t use the movement that is inside the special action, then you don’t get the triple attack. However, if you use the movement and you can’t move (due to a threat in your Location, for example), you will still get the triple attack.

It doesn’t matter if you are able to move or not, it matters if you use the action (even if that has no practical consequence). Villains abilities – like Reality Warping – works the same, but you can’t choose to not activate them, so you simply solve all the steps regardless if you can apply the effect or not. So, Reality Warping will always resolve, even if there are no face down cards to be shuffled back in the deck.

Gambit – Molecular Acceleration – “Discard any action token to hit x3 in an adjacent location” can I discard another heroes token to use the effect, or is it only tokens that Gambit is holding?

Molecular Acceleration -> only tokens the player that plays Gambit is holding. You can’t discard something that is not yours (but you can always steal tokens from other players previously, with a different Special Action…)

For sunspot.
For his ability to gain tokens based on locations he occupied (not sure of the exact wordings)
Would the location he initially occupied will be counted?
For example if he moved 2x during the turn he used his special, would he gain 2 tokens or 3 tokens?

The starting location counts. So if he moved 2x (without going backwards), he would gain 3 tokens. If he would move back and forth with the two movements (ending in his starting location), then 2 tokens.

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Shield Mode/Xavier Mode Questions

Shield mode: Avenger’s mansion end of turn effect states: “You may draw cards until you have 3 in your hand.” Same with Iron man’s special effect card. Do we draw to the starting hand size or literally draw until having 3 cards? If so, then Red Skull is busted on shield mode because he has that card that discards civilians and deal damage to every hero. Meaning that I cannot have more than 3 cards until I complete that 3rd mission which is impossible if this card is drawn before mid game.

You draw cards until having 3, yes.

Shield mode. Is the villains heath set as though you are playing a three player game?

Three player, game, correct!

SHIELD mode questions/clarifications: If a villain or BAM effect deals 1 damage to heroes at a location, and all three of our heroes are at the same location (e.g. turn one), do we take three damage and discard three cards? If so, any plans to adjust SHIELD rules to make turn one villain actions less swingy?

Do we draw one or three cards if we clear all three objectives?

If you have three Heroes in a Location and an effect says every Hero there takes a damage, you take 3 damage.

You draw 3 cards after the third mission is solved.

In Xavier Mode, if you’re playing with Mystique or Wolverine, do you still put their starting hand card on the top of the deck?

Yes you do.

Question on Juggernaut’s Seal of Cyttorak and Xavier Mode.

If ANY of my characters start a turn on the Seal’s space, does the card then apply to ALL my cards?

Or would it only apply to that specific characters cards, but on every turn? (Since they have no dedicated “turn”)

If you are playing the card of a Hero and that Hero is starting this turn on a Seal of Cyttorak then the effect applies.

How does Sabertooth operate in Xavier/solo mode?

Normally his goal is to KO #-heroes. But with Xavier everyone shares the same health; and on standard difficulty if the team gets wiped it’s game over.

Are there any special rules?

There aren’t, however in the Xavier Solo mode we wrote that with some villains you can adjust difficulty by allowing 1 or 2 extra KO before being defeated, that would be our suggestion with Sabretooth (you lose after your second or even third ko). He is still a very tough villain to face in solo mode.

Xavier Solo Mode -Do I draw a card before every time I play a card? So draw 1, play 1, x3, and then villain goes?


2 questions about Silver Surfer :

1) “Near immortality” : As long as this card is faceup in the storyline, you draw 2 cars during the draw steps of your turns.
How it works in Xavier/Shield solomode?
Do we really draw 2 cards during all draw step (even if playing another hero..) ?
Seems to strong in Xavier mode, do we have to use it 1/3 draw step or only when playing Surfer (but the draw phase is before the play)?

2) “Cosmic awareness” : As long as this card is faceup in the storyline, during your turn, 1 of your “Heroic” or “Damage” actions can be performed in any location.
I suppose it works too on a “Wild” converted into a “Heroic or Dmg” icon?

Yes to both questions (indeed if you’re struggling in Solo mode against some Villains you can throw Silver Surfer in the pool of characters).

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Super Villain Mode Questions

When you defeat a villain, does the game immediately end in a win? Or does the game end when you finish your turn?

If you happen to both satisfy a winning and a losing condition during the same Hero (or Villain, but that’s almost impossible although it might happen in Super Villain mode) turn, the Heroes win.

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Team vs. Team Mode

Regarding the “Overkill” rule of Team vs Team mode: if the villain has one live left, and I have more than one attack symbols from previous AND recent card in the storyline.

Does it mean:

a. After I used one attack symbol to attack the villain, the game ends immediately due to villain defeated. I wasted any attack symbols from another card.


b. I can use all of my attack symbols to attack the villain even if those symbols were came from different cards. Any extra damages take from the pool and count as score for my team.

It’s B! This is very important for the Team vs. Team mode!

We really enjoy the Team vs Team mode for this game, it’s probably the best addition to the game in our opinion.

We do have a question about it:
Where do we need to put the health tokens of henchmen? Are they returned to the supply or do you add them when you have defeated the villain?

Returned to the supply!

We play[ed] Team VS. Team mode via dual Xavier mode (2 players – Xavier mode shines in Team Vs. Team mode, including 3-player Team VS. Team Super-Villain mode). I didn’t find it written anywhere, but would we lose if 1 team is KO’d or would the KO rule not exist in this format?

That KO rule was intended to be used in 1 player solo mode only, Even in that mode, with some villain I would strongly suggest to apply the optional rule that you only lose after your second KO. I would not apply it at all when combining Xavier mode and Team Vs. Team since it’s kind of easy for a player to self-trigger their KO.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.