Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (2024)

Ryuko immediately understood what was happening. The boy's family was blackmailing the kunoichi to be his teacher. He felt some empathy toward the poor woman and decided to be nice to her. After all, Ryuko did not need more enemies, and he also felt the annoying leash of the Kuroi clan around his neck.

The ninja made a gentle smile and nodded. “Nice to meet you. Please come in,” he muttered, inviting the woman inside his home.

“Can I offer you tea?” He offered with genuine care for his guest. This was the first time in a long time that someone new walked inside his home, and he wanted to be a nice host to her.

Shizune raised an eyebrow, fearing that there could be some weird drugs in the tea. “No thanks,” she answered, trying not to sound crass towards her student.

The duo sat on the main living room table and began to talk. “So, what will we be doing?” Ryuko asked with a curious tone, trying his best to ignore the dry and somber atmosphere in the room.

"I will be honest with you, kid, and I will admit that I don't exactly know how the Byakugan works, so I will not be the best teacher for that," Shizune admitted to, lowering the genin's expectations.

Ryuko nodded; it was not like he could learn the techniques of the Hyuga clan anyway with the seal in his heart.

The kunoichi raised three fingers. "But from what I know, there are three ways that you can become stronger without the need of the Gentle Fist," she began to explain. Even if this was a shady job, the girl had her pride as a ninja in line.

"The first is really simple. Since you have superior perception than a regular ninja, we could opt for a long-medium range option using the Senbons," Shizune began to say, and from her sleeve, she took out a long steel needle.

Ryuko nodded and began to think about the pros and cons of that way of fighting. "That could work, but hitting those points from afar is not an easy task. The Gentle Fist has the advantage of being in close quarters," the ninja said as he remembered Hinata and Nemu.

The teacher nodded. "That is why you poison them; even if you don't hit the tenketsu points from afar, you will still hamper your enemy's movement. Making you hit their tenketsu points more easily for the next attack," she answered, having a plan to deal with that drawback. Poisons were really useful for ninjas specializing in speed or perception, like any person with the Byakugan.

"Oh, I get it," Ryuko said, knowing nothing about poisons and toxins. It wasn't really his main interest, but now that the woman mentioned it, it had a lot of potential. Slowly, the boy was learning that his eyes had a lot of possible applications that the Hyuga clan had pushed aside in order to favor their main combat style.

"The next option is a lot more . . . complex. So let me explain it with drawings," Shizune said, taking a small notebook and a couple of pens out of her pockets. She began to draw three different schemes on the paper to make her point clear. It was as if the girl was teaching this to a child.

"This is a normal chakra vein with a tenketsu point on top. You can see how the chakra flows, right?" The girl muttered and pointed at the first drawing. It was a basic tube with some arrows to symbolize the chakra flow. There was a semi-circle in the middle of the tube, symbolizing the chakra point.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (1)

The boy nodded. "Yes," he answered, feeling a little disrespected that the teacher had such low expectations of him that she needed to make drawings. Ryuko was the second-best student in his class after all, something that he was proud of. Well, the genin should show her what a good student he was when he had the chance.

“Well, my theory on how the Gentle Fist works is this one,” she said, pointing to the second image.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (2)

It was the same, but now the tenketsu point was bent into the chakra tube, stopping the flow of the energy.

“It presses the point, making it a blockage inside the chakra network,” the medic theorized, thinking that it was the same as a blood clot.

“Hmmm, yes, that made sense. That would also explain why a barrier like a Senbon also has the same effect,” Ryuko muttered and nodded.

Shizune then pointed to the third and final image. “Now that you understand that, this is why cutting the tenketsu points does not work,” she finally said, as the drawing now was the same as the first but with a straight cut in the middle of the tenketsu point. Multiple blue lines indicated the chakra spilling from that point.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (3)

“It leaks, but the flow remains.” Ryuko instantly realized why it was a problem to just cut the tenketsu points instead of blocking them.

The kunoichi raised an eyebrow, impressed by how fast the boy managed to learn this stuff. She was expecting a spoiled child without a shred of talent, but things seemed to be different. “Exactly. I have seen similar wounds, and the leak of chakra is minimal compared to the blood loss of a wound of that caliber in that zone. So the person will run out of blood before running out of chakra,” Shizune finally said.

Ryuko rubbed his chin. “So . . . what you are getting at is that Kenjutsu is a bad idea,” he muttered, learning something new.

"That was what I thought at the start, but then I realized that you do not need to worry about the tenketsu points in the first place if you go in close to your target. This is a chakra scalpel,” Shizune said, raising a hand with her fingers extended. Suddenly, it was covered with a blue layer of chakra that created a small silhouette around it of just 2 cm around her skin. The woman then, from her pocket, took a small rubber ball with the other hand and proceeded to partially slice it with her chakra blade. Why did she do that? To show two things. First, it was that the jutsu was extremely sharp, slicing the rubber without problems. Second, the penetration was not that big; after all, it only managed to cut half of the small rubber ball.

“And you have a pair of eyes that allow you to see inside people. You can clearly see veins, tendons, arteries, and nerves, right?” Shizune asked, trying to guide her student toward the correct solution.

Ryuko nodded. It was a style of fighting that was centered around death by one thousand cuts. Slowly dismantle his opponents, cut by cut. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I get it,” the boy answered. That would match really well with his taijutsu.

“Yes, if you managed to just add a single shadow clone to the combination. You could become deadly with an attrition style of fighting,” Shizune finally added, knowing full well that his Uzumaki bloodline could endure the chakra cost of having one shadow clone at this young age.

“Interesting . . .” the boy muttered, that would be one of the best options he had. A nice replacement for the Gentle Fist.

“The third option is more something that you should know and take into consideration than something I can teach you since I am not good at genjutsu,” Shizune admitted. She really didn't want to do this since she was really bad at it, but it was worth telling him that. Especially if the boy got a genjutsu master in the future.

Ryuko let out a sigh. “It never really caught my attention either,” he answered, as the genin wasn't also really interested in that type of jutsu.

“Maybe it should, since you have three factors in your favor. First, thanks to your eyes, you have a 360-degree field of vision where you can fire up genjutsu from any angle. Second, the Bykugan already has an inbuilt protection against genjutsu since you see the world in a different way than a normal ninja, making creating convincing illusions a lot harder for you. Third, good chakra control will also synergize really well with medicine jutsu, making it also better with genjutsu,” Shizune explained, as this wasn't just really all conjecture on her part. The woman didn't even have records of the Hyuga clan using that much genjutsu, apart from the most basic ones.

“So basically. It is like a defensive focus Sharingan,” Ryuko answered. At least not getting caught in genjutsu would be really useful for the future.

The woman nodded. “I don't know a lot about those two Dojutsus, but it is a way to see it,” she finally said, getting ready for an answer.

Ryuko decided to start with the basics, just improve his seals, and learn more medicine jutsu. He almost went completely on the second plan they had, but he wasn't sure about learning chakra scalpels. Mostly because he wanted to focus on Fuinjutsu for now.

The training with Ryuko went extremely well. Shizune was surprised at not only how talented the young genin was but also how nice he was with her. He never disrespected her or did the unsavory things that his clan was famous for. Ryuko was not only blessed with a huge amount of talent but also the will to work far beyond the kunoichi's expectations. She even needed to tell him that he must take a break from time to time.

The duo also decided to work on increasing Ryuko's vision range from 50 meters to 100 since he would be alone on most of the missions. The best way for the genin to survive and succeed was to run if a strong enemy appeared or get ready with extra time if it was something that he could deal with. That was why stretching his Byakugan range to its limits was a must.

Starting with the basics like chakra control and increasing his already impressive chakra pool, eventually, she took the boy to learn more about Fuinjutsu and the basics of Ninjutsu. All of it was part of the plan of the woman for the genin to learn the shadow clone jutsu and use it in a safe way. She wasn't expecting that the boy would grow so much in such a short time, but after the third week, and since Ryuko had used his Byakugan X-ray vision to rush his medical training, Shizune decided to take a gamble. The kunoichi was kind of worried that the addiction of her teacher was starting to infect her.

Ryuko had a lot of excess chakra. Those low-ranking missions that he was doing just to get some experience for better and more dangerous tasks only used his shadow clone technique to be completely faster. Since that jutsu returned the chakra once it had dissipated, the boy had a huge surplus of chakra that needed use. The solution that Shizune found was to teach him a lesser version of the legendary seal of her own teacher.

Shizune was scared that Ryuko was be able to master it in just a week. What kind of monster was he? She knew that the Uzumakis had a talent for fuinjutsu, but that was ridiculous. Why weren't the Jonins fighting to have him as a student? Well, she knew the answer, but still, the woman began to feel a little bit happy to have him as a student.

It was a hot morning when Ryuko was ready to keep his training with Shizune going. The boy's head was still a little dizzy from the last night that he spent overusing his shadow clone training method, but apart from that, he felt great. He was expecting her, as every morning when they had lessons outside his house, the kunoichi appeared in front of him.

“So, what is the lesson for today, teacher?” The redhead asked with a soft and excited smile on his face. He was still thrilled by the seal she had taught him, and Ryuko could not wait to put the small triangle in his forehead to test it in a real fight.

Shizune made a small smile. During these weeks, the boy had grown on her. “You have been progressing really well in ninjutsu, so I wanted to check first what your chakra nature is,” the woman said, taking out a small paper square and giving it to her student.

“And this paper is for . . .” the boy asked with a confused tone. Ryuko would like to add some elemental jutsus to his arsenal since he lacked a proper finishing move, but he wasn't sure what that could be.

“It is a special type of paper; just infuse your chakra into it,” Shizune ordered, as this was the easiest method to figure out the boy's chakra nature.

“Sure . . .” Ryuko said, and he did what his teacher asked. To his surprise, the white paper became damp as if it was just soaked in water.

Shizune raised an eyebrow, not that surprised that an Uzumaki would have water affinity. "Oh, so you have water affinity,” she explained with a calm tone.

Ryuko's ears perked up, this was extremely helpful for him. Especially since the biggest problem with the water element was that it needed water in most of the cases, a problem that he could fix with his fuinjutsu. He just needs to seal a lake's worth of water and be done with it. “Can you teach me water jutsus, then?” He asked, trying to hide his excited tone.

"Sorry, but no, I only know wind-style jutsus. However, I can fix that,” the teacher answered, already needing to find someone who could teach him water jutsus. There were still a lot of things that the woman could show him, but that, in particular, wasn't possible for her.

Shizune took a deep breath. "Anyway, that is all for today; tomorrow you have your first big mission, so take the rest of the day free,” the woman finally said since Ryuko needed to relax. After all, the boy would have his first mission with combat, and even a ninja like him needed to be fresh for it.

“But-” he began to mumble before getting cut by the kunoichi.

“It is an order from your teacher,” Shizune said with a playful smile.

Ryuko rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Fine . . .” he admitted, defeated as the woman began to walk away from his home. However, just a few steps away from him, Shizune turned around.

“Hey,” she said, looking at Ryuko more like a friend than just a student.

Shizune felt like she owed an apology to the Uzumaki. “You are a good kid; don't let people take that from you,” the kunoichi added, the best advice she could give him for this first mission.

Ryuko blushed a little. It always felt strange when people said that kind of thing. “Su-Sure, thanks, teacher,” he mumbled, really not knowing how to take that compliment.

Ryuko decided to take the day to hang out with his other friend. One that the boy hadn't seen in a whole week, so it was time to fix that. He just needed to follow the sound of hardcore training, and the redhead would find her.

With the extra help of Byakugan, he managed to find Lee training inside one of the parks in Konoha. The girl was inside the forest; sweat poured down her forehead as her hands struck a log of wood, carving it with her hands alone. Something not really impressive for a ninja, or Ryuko wouldn't think if he didn't know about the secret of the weights she was wearing on her limbs. The boy felt a twist in his stomach, knowing full well the amount of strength needed to even move with those things.

Lee had long, shiny black hair and round eyes with prominent and very thick eyebrows. Her long hair cascaded on her lower back as she first kept striking the wood. As always, she was wearing a green jumpsuit, orange leg warmers, and the village ninja band as her belt. The girl was a plank—no tit* or ass, but a body sculpted by an inhuman amount of training. Chiseled abs and steel biceps with scars and bruises all over her body. Ryuko was just a simple student of the art of hard work; Lee was a genius on the topic.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (4)

“Well, it seems that someone wants to talk with the Beautiful Green Wild Beast of Konoha!” Lee exclaimed with a boisterous tone as she placed a hand behind Ryuko's shoulder.

The boy saw her move, but it was more like a green blur that was hard to follow even with his byakugan. It wasn't activated, but still, that was an impressive speed. “It's not my fault that you are always training or on missions all the time,” Ryuko said with a small smile on his lips. That sweaty girl with bushy eyebrows was the reason why he understood that no matter how big his talent or his gifts from birth were, he always needed to train.

Lee shook her head. “And why are you not doing that?!” She reproached him once again. More than she liked having the boy near her, the kunoichi knew that training was extremely important for Ryuko since he lacked a team. She would love to have him in her team instead of Nemu, but life wasn't fair.

“I am doing it now. I was getting into taijutsu, and I wanted to see if you could give me some advice,” Ryuko asked with a calm tone since that was the best way to improve his already decent combat style. He only needed more finishing power, and Lee had a lot of that.

Lee nodded with a wide smile on her lips. “Of course, I can give you some advice!” She exclaimed, ready to train with her best friend.

“Let's talk about it over lunch; you need to feed those muscles,” Ryuko said with a gentle smile, wanting to spend some time with his friend while eating.

Lee let out a scoffed laugh and nodded.“But I am paying for my part this time! I will not take advantage of you,” she muttered with a boisterous tone. That was one of the main things they always had to fight about. Lee had this weird way of being nice to the boy, like trying to pay for stuff for him and giving him small gifts like flowers. Such a charming girl.

The duo went to a BBQ place that served the typical array of meat and vegetables for one to cook on the small grills on the table. Ryuko would not dare to go to a ramen place without Naruko; that would be even worse than cheating on her.

The second they entered the place, the ninjas were assaulted by the smell of cooked meat, the sound of small fans extracting the smoke from each table, and the sound of people eating. Both rushed toward one table, ready to get some food when . . .

Nothing bad happened. There was a chance to run into their fellow genins, and that would have soured the mood but it seemed that they were on a mission. That was the only reason Choko would not be in there, gorging herself with meat.

Why didn't Ryuko go to another place if there was a chance of meeting those bitches? Well, Lee liked to eat here, so that was all the reason he needed.

They began to eat and talk about taijutsu while consuming a lot of calories and some sake. It was kind of early to get drunk, but Lee would not say no to some booze, especially since her fast metabolism would burn the alcohol in minutes once they were done. During that conversation, the boy came to the conclusion that his current biggest problem was his lack of speed. He had the endurance and damage of his seal, but that was useless if everybody could just dodge his attacks.

Lee, on the other hand, came to a different conclusion, especially when she began to ask about what he and Naruko were doing living alone. It was easy to figure out what was happening, and as the girl got a little more drunk, she became a lot more bold with her questions.

“So you and Naruko are . . .” Lee began to mutter with a small smile on her lips, her pale skin already getting red from the booze.

Ryuko let out an awkward laugh. “Yes . . . you know . . . doing it,” he said, trying to not hurt the girl's feelings.

Lee scoffed at that notion and got a little too close to the boy. “Well! Are you planning to do it?” She asked, taking the redhead by surprise. He didn't know what she meant by that.

“What?” Ryuko asked, still confused by the gesture.

The girl made an annoyed face and got even closer to the boy. “Come on! Do you remember what we promised when we were kids?” She asked with a frustrated tone while puffing her cheeks.

“Sorry,” Ryuko apologized; he didn't have any idea what she was talking about.

Lee was now just a few centimeters from touching the boy's lips, her drunken breath washing over his face. “That if you fall in love with either of us, you will marry all of us,” she muttered, one of her hands rubbing the interior of his thigh.

Those words made him remember that promise when they were ten. That was an impressive memory from the kunoichi. “Oh . . .” Ryuko blushed, knowing where these things would be going. Well, what kind of ninja breaks their promise?!

After that, Lee pushed forward, enforcing her first kiss with Ryuko. She was a little bit drunk, and that only made her more aggressive than usual. The redhead was assaulted by a wave of bitter alcohol; he wasn't as used as Lee to the taste, and he drank just a little bit, but that saliva infused with sake was enough to get him a little tipsy. In that situation, the boy only kissed back, making this sloppy sound around the restaurant as his hands firmly grabbed those muscular thighs. Ryuko was a little afraid for his health, but he would not be a coward; he would let his lust take charge.

“Let's go to a more private place,” the boy muttered after breaking the kiss, leaving only this bridge of translucent saliva connecting the two. A bridge that Lee quickly destroyed with her tongue as she licked it clean.

Ryuko supported Lee as they got up and went near the counter to pay for something else. All while he hadn't stopped groping the girl across her jumpsuit, with all the training and sweat, that thing was basically painted into her body like a second layer of skin. He could feel those steel-like muscles with his fingers. Ryuko thought that she didn't feel his touch, but that smile on her face said another thing.

One would think that the redhead was taking advantage of the drunken kunoichi, but Lee was actually groping his ass more aggressively than he was doing it to her.

The man at the counter rolled his eyes the second he saw Ryuko and Lee together. “Oh, the Kuroi clan, this way,” he muttered with some disgust in his voice and guided them to a small back room in the restaurant.

It was just a tiny 5x5 wooden room with a big sofa in the middle, some bottles of alcohol in a minibar, and a dim yellow light shining over them. It wasn't rare that the members of the Kuroi clan got horny in public and decided to do dirty acts without caring about anything. That was why, in the most popular places of the village, at the insistence of Hiruzen, they had placed some small f*ckrooms to avoid bringing too much shame to the village.

“Your family is really a bunch of perverts,” Lee muttered as she practically jumped onto the sofa with a huge grin on her face.

Ryuko chuckled, trying not to ruin the moment, thinking about all the hideous acts that were made in this room. At least it smelled like a cheap disinfectant and not something else. “At least they paid for the construction of these rooms,” the boy muttered, already feeling his co*ck trying to break free from his pants.

“Now . . . ” Lee purred and opened her legs towards Ryuko; she used two of her fingers to spread her puss* toward him. Even if she was wearing her jumpsuit, the boy could perfectly see the shape of her slit; it was clear that the girl wasn't wearing underwear under her clothes.

The girl took a few seconds for the boy to admire her body; she almost let out a soft laugh as she saw the redhead blushing. “Do you like what you see?” Lee asked, licking her lips and spreading her legs for Ryuko.

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The boy would not take this teasing lightly. This girl was driving him mad with lust, and he would let that not go unpunished. He pounced on her, and using his hand, he tore out a hole in her jumpsuit, finally letting that puss* take some fresh air. Lee only smiled and kept teasing him now, literally opening her wet slit for him to fully see it. Those small lips, the erect cl*t in the middle, the pinkish interior, and perfectly shaved skin. It took him over the edge.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (6)

“I hope you are ready,” Ryuko snarled, finally pulling down his pants and unleashing his monster. The massive 25-cm co*ck sprung to life with those colossal testicl*s under it already churning with boiling and virile sperm. Ryuko would claim Lee the same way he claimed Naruko.

“Amazing! I always thought that you had a huge co*ck!” Lee cheered him up. Of course, she trusted that her friend would be hung like a horse. What kind of ninja didn't think the best about her friends?

Ryuko took a deep breath and began to weave hand signs. “Safety first,” he muttered and then placed a big seal on the girl's lower abdomen, something similar to a womb tattoo that would prevent her from getting pregnant. The boy would not breed the girl in a dirty place like this; it needed to be somewhere special.

Lee chuckled, feeling a tingle on her loins as the redhead did his jutsu. “Oh, do you think that your Kuroi seed can overpower my ovules filled with the power of YOUTH?!” She exclaimed as she used her hands to open her legs even further, showing her impressive flexibility.

Ryuko made a smug smile, his massive co*ck already throbbing with full virility. “Of course, that is why I am giving you this small advantage,” he teased back as the boy was ready to have some fun and turn this girl into his woman.

“I accept your challenge,” Lee exclaimed with a vulpine grin on her face, ready to face him.

That made the redhead reconsider his decisions. If she wanted a true challenge, Ryuko would give her one. “Well, if you are in the mood for a challenge, what about this?” He yelled and then weaved hand seals to do the shadow clone jutsu. In a puff of smoke, two other Ryukos were in the same room, all of them wielding colossal meat slabs. If a girl could handle this, it was Lee, so this was the best way to test it.

Lee swallowed saliva; now that was a proper challenge; however, the drunk girl quickly recovered her composure. “Bring it on!” she exclaimed, ready for Ryuko to do his worst on her.

Ryuko would fight with his dick, not with his words. “Byakugan!” He exclaimed as his eyes now could see each of the girl's weak points; it was time to strike. The boy pounced at her, as he would strike the G spot on her puss* directly with this co*ck while his clones began to molest her mouth. It would be completely rough and hardcore sheer f*cking but also loving sex.

Lee let out a howl of pleasure as she opened her mouth like a big O letter, pulling her tongue out and rolling her eyes to the back of her head. She could feel that massive co*ck breaking into her puss* and striking her cervix while applying pressure to her weak point. It was her first time but even if her hymen was no longer there thanks to her constant and rough training, she still felt a spike of pain as the meat slab stretched her slit. The best part was that since Lee had already connected the pain of training with the pleasure of getting better, this only made this f*cking even more enjoyable.

The redhead saw this as an opportunity to attack and went for her face. The two clones quickly began to double-f*ck those lips as his main co*ck made sure to keep her mouth open. It wasn't as pleasurable as doing it himself, but he still got some carnal pleasure from the org*sm, as their memories would partially become one in the future.

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A salty and strong taste filled the kunoichi's mouth as the clones began to facef*ck her without mercy. She tried her best to milk those massive co*cks with her hands as she licked and sucked Ryuko's huge manhoods, but her mind was going numb from the stench and the flavor hitting harder than the alcohol.

“Come on, Lee, get used to this feeling because I will be f*cking you like this for the rest of your life,” Ryuko muttered with a soft and gentle tone while his bodies did the opposite. They were f*cking Lee as if they were trying to break her into a sex slave, showing how much love but also strength he could exercise.

It was getting louder in here; the sound of Ryuko's moans and grunts was almost overshadowed by the muffled screams of pleasure that Lee was making as he went faster and faster. The kunoichi senses were getting overpowered by the wet slapping of the bodies, the strong musk and salty flavor of those co*cks abusing her throat, and the manhood reshaping her c*nt.

Ryuko could already feel his balls getting heavier. He couldn't deny it; Lee's muscular puss* was crushing his co*ck. While Naruko was tight, her c*nt was a lot more gentle and submissive. This one? It was strangling his manhood to milk it as if it was the grip of a gorilla. “The few seconds that you are not training will be completely dedicated to you enjoying my co*ck,” he whispered again to the girl, making it clear what his plans were for her.

Lee was completely drunk with those co*cks and those sweet words; her mind was spinning, unable to think of anything except the pleasure rushing through her body. The girl could feel the heat in her loins about to burst, and as the speed was reaching its peak, she closed her legs around Ryuko.

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Unable to hold on for a second, the three co*cks explode. A massive eruption of sem*n struck Lee's face as she milked those two fat manhoods, while the main just burst inside her c*nt. The girl arched her back as her own org*sm came, squirting her juices all over the room in a big arch.

It was a complete mess. Lee could feel the boiling sem*n filling her puss* as those meat slabs twitched and unloaded their spunk all around her body. The girl rolled her eyes to the back of her head as she kept using her hands, c*nt, and tongue to milk her man. She felt nasty and dirty but also happy and good, as if this was the end of another hard day of pure training. Sex was the best.

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Ryuko let out a deep sigh, enthralled by the view in front of him. Lee's face and tit* were covered in his sem*n while her gaping c*nt was oozing his seed. All while the kunoichi was breathing heavily like a fish out of water. “From now on, the Beautiful Green Wild Beast of Konoha, one of the most powerful kunoichis of the village, will be my woman,” he proclaimed, trying to buy some time before his co*cks were ready to go again. This would be a long battle.

Ryuko attacked Lee for hours without mercy, f*cking her mouth and puss* non-stop. It hurt; the sheer size alone was a problem, but the constant attack—the clones taking turns in her body, draining their balls constantly in her puss* and throat—was exhausting. However, all that pain was also mixed with equally big spikes of sheer pleasure. The kind of chemical rush that made the girl grit her teeth and squirt all over the floor like a broken fountain. It was a mixture of two completely opposite feelings that she couldn't understand, but it felt amazing.

Lee felt her brain melting under these contradictory feelings as she chewed on the thick loads of sperm constantly being forced fed to her by both of her lips, the upper and lower ones. She didn't get it, but as the three bodies kept pouncing at her, she didn't care. It was like training; it was painful, but in the end, there was just pure pleasure. As she almost felt her eyes bending into heart shapes, Lee understood she was a masoch*st.

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Outside the room, a waitress was talking with one of the cooks. “Can you believe this?” She asked, more baffled than angry by the sounds coming out of that room. It had been hours; those civilians couldn't imagine the stamina and lust of a proper ninja.

“They even overpower the soundproof foam that we put in the room. Dammit Kuroi clan,” the man cursed Ryuko's family and him. After all, they would have to clean up that mess.

An hour later, Lee was completely defeated by Ryuko's co*cks. The boy and his three clones were sitting on the sofa, with the girl sucking the main body while her hands milked the other two. She was looking him directly in the eyes, admitting defeat without a single word as her lips curled around the boy's dicks. Her whole body was covered in a thick layer of sweat and sem*n; one could even see the drops of his thick seed muddying her black hair.

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Then, the door almost exploded as a blonde girl rushed inside the room.

“Oh, I can't believe you are doing this! Specially with bushy eyebrows?!” Naruko exclaimed with an angry expression as she caught her man and friend doing it . . . without her!

Before Ryuko could react, Lee took his co*ck out of her mouth for a second. “It was a childhood promise!” She barked back to Naruko.

The blonde girl blinked a few times, remembering that promise. “Oh f*ck! You are right. Well, I hope you saved some stamina for me . . .” Naruko exclaimed and took off her shirt, showing her massive tit*.

Ryuko just made a small smile, really glad that his bloodline would let him recover all his stamina for tomorrow. If he was just a normal ninja, the boy would be unable to walk for a whole day after this was done.

Naruto: Konoha 12 - Chapter 2 - Spiderling77 (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5969

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.