Tennis de table et ping pong virtuel dans le 20e (2024)


Du mercredi 31 juillet au mercredi 4 septembre 2024

Jeux 2024Paris fête les jeuxSport
Tennis de table et ping pong virtuel dans le 20e (1)

Tennis de table et ping pong virtuel dans le 20e

Centre sportif Louis Lumière
30 rue Louis Lumière, Paris 20e

Du mercredi 31 juillet au mercredi 4 septembre 2024
Le mercredi de 16h à 22h


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Retourner avant le bloc de contenu

Porte de Bagnolet (Paris)

Porte de Montreuil (Paris)

Marie de Miribel (Paris)

Enfants, jeunes et adultes

  • Non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite
  • Non renseigné pour les personnes déficientes auditives
  • Non renseigné pour les personnes déficientes visuelles
  • Non renseigné pour les personnes déficientes mentales
  • Accueil en langue des signes non renseigné

Évènement proposé par:

Sporting paris 20 tennis de table

Cet évènement fait partie de Le 20e fête les jeux

Venez vous initier au tennis de table, en partenariat avec l’association Sporting Paris 20 Tennis de table.

Découvrez le tennis de table sous toutes ses formes! Handi ou valide, compétition ou jeux, sessions parents-enfants, petits tournois et découverte de nouvelles sensations grâce au casque de réalité virtuelle, tout est prévu. L'activité est encadré par deux entraîneurs et quelques bénévoles. Le petit matériel (raquettes et balles) est fourni.

Rendez-vous au gymnase C. L'accès pour les Personnes à Mobilité Réduite (PMR) se fait par l'ascenseur au 30, rue Louis Lumière 75020 Paris.

Mise à jour le 21/05/2024

Voir les infos pratiques

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Tennis de table et ping pong virtuel dans le 20e (2024)


Is it table tennis or ping pong? ›

The correct title for the sport in the UK and most of the rest of the world is "table tennis". This is because "ping pong" is a trade mark, number 233177, registered by the London toy importers and manufacturers Hamley Brothers on 20 September 1900 for their version of table tennis manufactured by John Jaques & Son.

Is ping pong played to 11 or 21? ›

A game in table tennis is played until one of the players scores 11 points or if there is a 2 point difference after the score was tied (10:10). A game used to be played until 21, but that rule was changed by the ITTF in 2001.

What happens when the score of a table tennis game is 10 to 10? ›

The first to 11 points is declared the winner. If the points are tied at 10-10, a player then has to strive for a two-point lead to win the game. A match is won by winning games.

What is the game table tennis also called answer? ›

Table tennis (also known as ping-pong or whiff-whaff) is a racket sport derived from tennis but distinguished by its playing surface being atop a stationary table, rather than the court on which players stand.

Why is tennis called ping-pong? ›

Though it is excluded from official terminology, this name is very popular today. It notably originates from the onomatopoeic sound of the ball that appeared in the Far East in 1884: 'ping' is imitative of the sound of a bat striking a ball and 'pong' equates to the sound of the bounce on the table.

What happens at 20 all in table tennis? ›

If both players have won 20 points, then the first player to get a 2 point lead wins the game.

How to keep score in ping pong? ›

A point is scored after each ball is put into play. The edges of the table are part of the legal table surface, but not the sides. Each player serves two points in a row and then switch server. However, if a score of 10-10 is reached in any game, then each server serves only one point and then the server is switched.

How many sets are in a table tennis match? ›

The ITTF rules says that a match can be any uneven number of sets. A lot of International matches are played best of 7 games where you need to win 4 to win.

What is a table tennis short answer? ›

Table tennis is a game played inside by two or four people. The players stand at each end of a table which has a low net across the middle and hit a small light ball over the net, using small bats.

What is the 7 0 rule in table tennis? ›

An informal rule in table tennis that says that a player wins a game at a score of 7-0 or 11-1. The offensive trump card is the smash. A player will typically execute a smash when the opponent has returned a ball that bounces too high or too close to the net.

What is love in table tennis? ›

Love – A term used in tennis instead of the word 'nil' or 'zero'. It is used to describe a lack of score in either points, games or sets. i.e. a game score of 30-0 is given as '30 love' and a set score of 6-0 is given as 'six love'. Straight Sets – The name given to a win in a tennis match without losing a set.

Can you still say ping-pong? ›

In modern times, it seems that our sport has split into two camps—the recreational players who tend to use the phrase ping-pong and table tennis interchangeably and treat it as a game or past-time, and the serious players who call it table tennis almost exclusively and view it as a sport.

What is table tennis called in USA? ›

People began to call the sport by that same distinct sound, and variants of the game's name started to sprout up, including whiff-whaff, pom-pom, clip-clap and ping-pong. As the game became ubiquitous, two names prevailed: table tennis and ping-pong.

Why do we say ping-pong instead of ping-pong? ›

The Ablaut Reduplication Rule

In the English language, the key vowel determines the word order. If there are three words, then the order must go I, A, O. If there are two words, then the first is I and the second is either A or O. Mish-mash, chit-chat, tic tock, King Kong, ping pong.

Is table tennis called ping-pong in China? ›

Pīngpāng qiú (Chinese: 乒乓球) is the official name for the sport of table tennis in China. Table tennis in China is regulated by the Chinese Table Tennis Association.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.