The Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge rules & goals explained (2025)

If you're a fan of all things Disney and all things The Sims 4, there's a Challenge that's perfect for you, melding the two together to let Simmers step into the shoes (or glass slippers) of some of the most beloved and iconic characters in pop culture.

Disney Princesses are known for their unique tales, easily identifiable appearances, and the narrative arcs that see them embarking on journeys of self-discovery - and you can bring some of that into the game by challenging yourself to a generational tale focusing on these Princesses through multiple lineages.

What is the Disney Princess Challenge?

The Disney Princess Challenge is a Legacy Challenge,which is a task that'll take you through 10 different generations of Sims, with each one focusing on a certain subset of rules and goals that need to be completed.

Of course, as a Disney-themed Challenge, this one ties in with what's in Disney films. You can either create your own Princesses for the challenge or use a household found on The Gallery - it's completely up to you.

Each subsequent offspring will be the main character of the next generation, and you'll focus on playing them as you try to complete each one's unique set of goals.

One of the first mentions of this Challenge was on The Sims' forums by MissPlaying in 2014, and since, there have been plenty of YouTube series created around it that follow or tweak the rules in some way.

Rules & goals for the Disney Princess Challenge in The Sims 4

In each generation, you'll be playing as a different Disney Princess, following a set of rules and goals as follows:


Disney Princess




Snow White

  • Snow White needs to be a Young Adult before this generation begins
  • Has seven children that represent the seven dwarfs
  • Each child must have a negative trait and the same father
  • Snow White cannot answer the door to strangers or talk to elderly female Sims
  • Get each Child Sims to complete their Aspiration, reach level 5 in a skill, or achieve an A grade in school



  • One of the seven dwarfs ages up into a Teen Sim and becomes Cinderella, the sibling who must cook and clean up after everyone else
  • Must have Neat and Foodie traits
  • Must clean the house and cook each meal for the family
  • Cannot marry until her mother dies and must have a maximum of three children



  • Must have the Ambitious trait
  • Father must die before the end of her being a Young Adult, when this generation begins
  • Must marry a Sim with a green feature to represent the frog
  • Must have a food-based Aspiration
  • Must own a restaurant if The Sims 4: Dine Out is installed



  • Aurora becomes a Young Adult to trigger the next generation
  • Must have the Lazy trait
  • Three or fewer friends due to overprotective parents
  • Must meet your partner at night whilst your parents are asleep
  • You must Elope
  • Have a maximum of two children
  • Need two girls to play the next generation's challenge



  • Begins when Anna is a Child Sim
  • Lose contact with your sister until you age into a Young Adult
  • Must experience a near-death experience due to your partner of choice
  • Fall in love with a criminal
  • Become best friends with your sister again
  • After that, marry a new person and have one child



  • Begins when Rapunzel ages into a Teen Sim
  • Must have Loner and Art Lover traits
  • Can only leave the house for school
  • Cannot have friends until married
  • Reach at least level eight of the Painting skill before becoming a Young Adult
  • Elope and have children



  • Begins when Belle becomes a Young Adult
  • Have the Bookworm trait
  • Transform your Sim's partner into an 'attractive' one after having your first child
  • Date at least five men
  • Meet and marry an ugly Sim (can be an Occult or Alien if you have the associated Pack)
  • Have at least one Child Sim



  • Begins when Mulan becomes a Young Adult
  • Have the Active trait
  • Join the Astronaut career
  • Fall in love with a coworker once you reach the top of your chosen Astronaut branch
  • Have at least one child
  • If you have Get Famous, Mulan should become famous



  • The story begins when Jasmine becomes a Teen Sim
  • Her best friend must be named Raja
  • Cannot leave the house unless for school
  • Marry a poor sim who is in the Criminal career track
  • Have a maximum of four children
  • Leave your wealth behind
  • If Cats & Dogs is installed, Raja should be a pet
  • Become companions with Raja



  • Have the Self-assured trait
  • Lose siblings and mother in an accident
  • Never marry or have children
  • Merida's choice to turn away from marriage and children if you want to end the generation here

Additional Generations

If you're finding yourself coming to the end of your 10th generation and want to keep playing the Challenge, you can find a list of optional ones below that you can take up too.

The Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge rules & goals explained (3)

The Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge rules & goals explained (4)Click to enlarge

At the end of the day, A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes and The Sims is just a game, so feel free to slot these Princesses in place of others or add them in after the 10th generation is complete (though it'll probably take you a fair amount of playtime to get there):


Disney Princess




  • This generation begins when Ariel becomes a Teen Sim
  • Loves the Outdoors is a required trait
  • If you own Island Living, Ariel must be a Mermaid
  • Own a pool and swim in it (or the ocean) daily
  • Marry a 'beautiful' Sim that has at least one trait that Ariel has
  • Have children


  • Begins when Pocahontas ages into a Teen Sim
  • Must run away and Elope
  • Fall in love with and marry a Sim that is different to Pocahontas - an Occult, or a Sim with blue skin, for example
  • Have a maximum of four children


  • Kicks off when Elsa is a Teen Sim
  • Requires the Loner trait
  • Elsa can never marry
  • Must be 'different' in some way - a Spellcaster, for example
  • Run away as a Teen Sim
  • Have only one child


  • Moana must be a Teen Sim for this generation to begin
  • Loves the Outdoors is a required trait
  • Assign Moana the Curator Aspiration
  • If Jungle Adventure is installed, Moana must explore Selvadorada
  • Must have a great relationship with her Grandmother, who dies before she becomes a Young Adult
  • Run away, meet and become BFFs with Maui
  • Marry, have children


  • Triggers when Raya becomes a Teenager
  • Her father must die in an accident
  • Must have a best friend named Tuk Tuk
  • Become enemies with rival Namaari, but eventually become friends
  • Explore the Sims world once a Young Adult and make friends
  • If you own Strangerville, play this storyline

Of course, there are plenty of other characters that could also be added as generations of your own. For example, Tinker Bell was actually part of Disney's Princess lineup before heading up the Disney Fairies line, eventually being replaced by Tiana.

Now that you know all about the Disney Princess Challenge, head over to our homepage for The Sims for guides on everything from the best CAS, gameplay mods and trait mods to download, or a rundown of how to turn on CAS Full Edit Mode. Until next time, deg deg!

The Sims 4 Disney Princess Challenge rules & goals explained (2025)


What are the rules for the Disney Princess Challenge in Sims 4? ›

The Sims Challenges
  • Founders have humble beginnings, so what's better than Snow White? ...
  • Must be female.
  • Must have 7 children (dwarfs)
  • Each child must have one negative trait (e.g Gloomy, Glutton)
  • Each child must have the same baby daddy.

What are the Disney Princess rules? ›

  • a main character from a disney or pixar movie (no sequels or tv shows)
  • movie is not a flop or huge success.
  • princess by birth, marriage, or heroic act.
  • human or partially human.
Sep 28, 2023

What are the legacy challenge goals Sims 4? ›

The Legacy Challenge tasks you with creating a single founder Sim moving them in to a giant lot, and starting out in abject poverty. Your founder must build their house, build their wealth, and ultimately bring in the second generation to continue when they die.

What is the hardest challenge in The Sims 4? ›

We've also taken another look at the difficulty ranking since for every challenge made easier, another just got more difficult.
  1. 1 The 100 Generations Challenge.
  2. 2 The Sims 4 History Challenge By Snowie Simmer. ...
  3. 3 The Master Of All Challenge. ...
  4. 4 The Vampire Coven Challenge. ...
  5. 5 Rosebud Challenge. ...
  6. 6 The 100 Baby Challenge. ...
Nov 13, 2020

What are the restrictions on WooHoo Sims 4? ›

Love is love, and so The Sims 4 places no gender restrictions on who can WooHoo with who. There are, however, some age requirements, as only Sims who are Young Adults or older can WooHoo, although they're free to seek partners outside of their own age group as long as everyone involved is a consenting grown-up.

Why was Tinker Bell removed from the Disney Princess list? ›

The team found the Tinker Bell character to be both “body conscious” and “jealous of Peter Pan's attention.” But meet and greets with the character are still available at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, suggesting the Stories Matter findings may not have played a factor in the decision to end the character's meet ...

Why was Esmeralda removed from Disney Princess? ›

According to the most common theory behind her removal, she was deemed not marketable to or suitable for kids. It wouldn't be fair to blame Esmeralda herself for that—she's as kind-hearted, clever, and intrepid as any card-carrying Disney Princess. But The Hunchback of Notre Dame is infamous for its mature themes.

What is the 12 Disney Princess? ›

The thirteen characters in the franchise consist of Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Moana, and Raya.

What is the most popular challenge in The Sims 4? ›

Rags to Riches is perhaps the most popular challenge in The Sims 4, and for a good reason—it fulfills nearly every player's goal of raising rich Sims.

What is the cheat for completing goals in Sims 4? ›

The Sims 4 Career and Aspiration cheats

First, enter testingcheats true, and with cheat codes active, you can perform the following: aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Complete current Sim aspiration goal. careers.add_career X - Add career (X being your choice of career) careers.promote X - Give Sim promotion.

Is there an end goal for Sims 4? ›

We talk a lot about open world games, but The Sims 4 is a game that we can truly classify as being open-world. There is no end goal and you can do with your Sims whatever you want. You can have them live their lives as good as possible, or you can be a skip being Mister Nice Guy and do terrible things with them.

What are the rules for the Disney World 4 park challenge? ›

One version of the Four Park Challenge states that you need to ride at least one ride in each of the four Theme Parks, as well as get a picture in front of the Park's icon. The icons are Cinderella Castle, Spaceship Earth, Tower of Terror, and the Tree of Life.

What are the rules for the Sims 4 build challenge? ›

Challenge Rules
  • Build on a 20×15 lot. ...
  • No careers or part-time jobs.
  • No babies until you have 5000 simoleons saved up OR your sims have aged to adult (because the clock is ticking).
  • Expansions on the house may be made AFTER having a baby. ...
  • Nobody can sleep outside.

What are the rules for the Sims 4 witch legacy challenge? ›

Witch Legacy Challenge Rules
  • The size of the land is your choice and the size of the house too.
  • You have to save enough land for a garden.
  • No budget restriction for construction but the style must remain old, a little mystical.

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